The camera again takes us to the Hart Family Dungeon, where we see Bret "Hitman" Hart in the ring, along with Corey Major. We also see, the Anvil off to the side jumping rope.
Anvil: 521. . . 522
Bret: That's 121. . . 122 Jim, no cheating for the camera.
Corey chuckles, while the Anvil growls and starts counting the actual numbers.
Bret: The Anvil is working on getting into better shape for Wrestlemania, he wants to be sure he has enough gas to last the whole match.
Bret: (looking at Corey) Okay now Corey you did great last week against DDP. He underestimated you and you wrestled a good match. But I know you have the ability to do better.
Corey: Huh? Well... I guess so. I think I need to outwrestle him. Sid is a lot different then DDP, right?
Bret: Right. This week it IS a different man altogether. Sid. And Sid is not only big and powerful, but his unperdictability adds to his ability, hence his name psyco.
Anvil: 200. (Stops jumping) Hey. it sounds like he and I have a lot in common.
The Anvil them moves over to a punching bag, and every so often he really lays into it and screams out "PILLMAN!"
Corey: uhh, yeah tell me something I don't already know about him.
Bret: Big men are a lot less tough when they are on the mat, so get him down, any way you can. Kick his knee, sweep his legs, drop kicks, try to do the simple stuff first, but if you have to use the ropes do it. Never allow yourself to get in a position where it is strength versus strength with this guy, you will lose then, hell I'd lose, heck Jim would. .
Anvil: Stop right there.
(He climbs into the ring)
Bret: Now Corey, Sid's big finishing manover is the powerbomb, but he also likes the chokeslam. For that, Jim grab Corey like you will chokeslam him. (The Anvil does so, and Corey looks a little worried)
Corey: DUDE! He said 'LIKE' you would choke slam me. Don't DO IT!
Bret: Now see Corey, even if his arm is extended, you can kick him. Stretch your leg out.
(Corey does and it easily reaches the Anvil)
Corey: Hey! Yeah! But, Hitman... Sid's bigger then the Anvil here.
Bret: Sid may have longer arms than Jim, but you should still be able to kick him in the leg or gut. Do it if you are stuck like this, it could get you out of the slam.
Corey: (exhales with a worried look.) Whew, if I could do that.... then all I'd have to worry about is...
Bret: ...the powerbomb. Best course of action is not to get caught in it. But if you are squirm and fidget, grab his legs as he tries to lift you. Do whatever you can to hinder him.
Corey: A single-leg takedown! Or... a BACK-DROP! I think I'm gettin' this, man! It'll be second nature soon... like playin' bass!
Bret: Now lets practice on the Anvil here, who will be playing Sid.
Corey: Should be easy for him, huh? Y'know... Psycho... ? Ah, forget it.
Bret: Ready?
Corey: Yeah man! You bet!
Bret rings a bell, and they begin.
The Anvil goes to lock up and Corey accepts, and hangs in there to long as the Anvil powers Corey to the ropes.
Bret: Stop. Corey use your speed, that is your advantage here, and believe it or not your technical ability.
Corey looks at Anvil and sticks out his tongue, then laughs.
Anvil: Hey!
Bret: GO!
They again start and the Anvil moves in for the tie up, Corey ties up, but uses the Anvil's arms to swing behind him, then Corey trips the Anvil down to the mat by pushing from behind and tripping a leg. Once they hit Corey grabs an armbar. Corey looks at Bret grinning.
Corey: Next I/C champ, my man!
Bret: Great job Corey, but don't quit, a strong man can power out of an armbar.
Which is exactly what the Anvil is doing, as Corey tries to correct it, the camera fades to black.
It fades back in and we find Corey Major in the Superstar Rebuttal Area. He is by himself. He's wearing his denim jacket with the 'TRIPWIRE' logo on the back, a backwards ball cap that pushes his long hair out the back.
Corey: Now you can see I'm ready! Well... ready as I'll ever be! I've trained all week in the Dungeon! Sid, dude, you're like a MONSTER... big, strong, powerful... CRAZY! Well monster-man I'm little, fast, agile... CRAZY! I may not have my inspiration at ringside anymore... but my trainer'll be there. And I've got some fans out there too that'll be chantin'... CHAOS! CHAOS! CHAOS!
As Corey chants, a good portion of the arena starts chanting along as they are watching on the video screen. The rest of the arena chants: SID! SID! SID!
Corey: Yeah... I know... Sid's got the fan base. Sid's got the momentum... he's got his fancy fireworks and all his cool lines... like 'rulin' the world'... and 'who's the man'. But I remember DDP havin' some bright pyrotechnics and some nice lines and one wicked finish. And right now, he's sittin' at home with a beer in his hand, sayin' just one last line... 'I COULDA BEEN A CONTENDA!' Don't underestimate me, Sid... or you could be adding that line to YOUR entrance, too!
Corey makes a motion with his hands as if he's playing an air guitar, then he heads to the ring.