RESULTS: Monday Night Raw Apr. 7, 1997


Seated at a desk is Jesse "the Body" Ventura, behind him is a large screen.

Jesse: hello everyone, and welcome to Body Talk. After today Body Talk will appear as a normal article in the WWF magazine, but right now I want to talk about a few things that have happened recently in the WWF. First off Wrestlemaina!

(Thescreen shows a large Wrestlemania logo)

Jesse: Wrestlemaina where every title but one changed hands, where the Mega Powers attained an almost total victory.

(The words Mega Powers appear above the Wrestlemania logo)

Jesse: The Road Warriors won the Unified Tag Team title, The Hart Foundation conclusivly defeated Pillman and Austin, and Randy Savage forced Ric Flair into retirement, and then retired himself. The only loss that anyone associated with the Mega Powers had was the Undertaker,

(The Undertaker's photo appears on the screen)

Jesse: And though the Undertaker right now is missing in action, we know he will be back. But right now lets talk about the Macho Man.

(Randy Savage's picture appears on the screen from his speach after his match at Wrestlemaina)

Jesse: Randy Savage has set a new standard for the word champion, against all odds and against most people's belief, but of course not this journalists, Randy Savage defeated Ric Flair, and then retired from active Wrestling. Randy I just wanted to say to you congradulations, and good luck in what you do from now on, I know how it feels to finally retire permantly, it feels liek a load is taken off your shoulders, but you will always miss it.

(a large question mark appears on the screen)

Jesse: But now the question is about the leadership of the Mega Powers, from my sources Randy Savage intends to retire from that position as well. Could this spell the end of the Meag Powers? I do not think so, but who will take the reigns of leadership? Is there truely a man who can fill Randy Savage's shoes? Later this week on a WWF program, I will bring you to a schedualed Mega Power's meeting which I am sure will discuss just that.

Jesse: But now, lets talk about the Empire.

(A large Empire logo appears on the screen, below it is the Death Star)

Jesse: Anyone can see that their, "disaggrements" are fake. The best way to make people believe that they are real is to pretend to have set up a fake take over, and turn it real. You boys need to get some new ideas. Speaking of new ideas, how many people out there really believe the Blizzard and Sunny have split up?

(Sunny's picture appears on the screen)

Jesse: Well i do not either, but why they would set up Corey Major, I have no idea. Corey is becoming a good wrestler, but he has no title yet, unless the Suntastics are trying for a new revenge on the Hart Foundation, by hurting their friend.

Jesse: Speaking of the Hart Foundation, it looks like they will be receving a tag Team title shot this month against the Road Warriors, could this cause strife in the Mega Powers as many people believe? Well I have some statements recorded from Bret Hart to address just that.

On the screen Bret Hart is shown, resting on an easy chair, obviously from his home.

Bret: Thanks for this time Jesse, first off on the Tag Team situation, with the Heat suspended it looks like we may have that title shot against the Road Warriors soon. Well to all those cynics out there, the Road Warriors and teh Hart Foundation have been friends for awhile now, and have faced each other many times in the ring, it has not hurt our friendship at all. And it shouldn't now. I also wanted to talk a man who said alot on Superstars, Sting, if you want to stop dropping from the sky and get in the ring with the Hitman, I welcome it. We have had our differences in the past, lets see how things turn out now. Also, the Hitman is still waiting for word from the Empire, who will next face the Hitman? With Stevie suspended who is next? Empire you will all fall to the exellence of execution. Alright, thats all, thanks for the time JEsse.

Jesse: That was taped comments from the Hitman Bret Hart.

( A large Body Talk logo appears on the screen)

Jesse: and that is all for this week, look for me next week with the Mega Power's meeting.

(The Body Talk logo fills he camera screen before the tape ends)

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