RESULTS: Monday Night Raw Apr. 14, 1997

The Bulldog... comes up from the tie-up... WITH A ONE HANDED CHOKE SLAM!!! Smash already is getting up... but into a GUT WRENCH SUPLEX!! Smash rolls to the outside to take a breather and really hears it from the fans who are unhappy.

Jim Cornette comes around to Ax's side of the ring and looks up at him.

Cornette: You guys look great, but need guidance. I'm offering my services!

Ax looks down at him, as Cornette turns and walks up to the middle of the aisle to watch.

Smash catches his breath on the outside, but the Bulldog doesn't wait for long. He runs at the ropes... and DIVES THROUGH THE ROPES AND SPLASHES SMASH!!! The Bulldog DRIVES Smash into the steel barricade with a loud CLANG!!! Bulldog throws Smash into the ring and climbs in after him. He throws him up over his shoulder.. runs... POWERSLAM!!!! The Bulldog hooks the leg... 1....

AX BREAKS THE PIN WITH A STOMP!!! The ref gets up and yells, but Ax stays on the Bulldog. He pulls him up... and the Bulldog... PUNCHES HIM IN THE FACE, KNOCKING HIM TO THE MAT!! The Bulldog pounces back down on Smash, hooking the leg....

1... 2... KICKOUT! Pinnete puts the count on Ax, who rolls back to his corner. The Bulldog tags in Owen.

Owen runs in... and puts on... THE SHARPSHOOTER!!! Owen leans back with it...

Anvil: Well, lookee there. Owen is trying the Sharpshooter. Well, we all know who really invented the move, and who stole it.

Owen 'whooos' out to the fans... but then... IS AXEHANDLED FROM BEHIND!! AX breaks up the move and the referee turns and puts out Ax. He turns back around and sees BOTH men down! He starts a ten-count... 1.....2..... 3....

Owen sits up. He sees Smash still hurt. He looks at Ax and turns so that he can see him...and begins to re-apply the Sharpshooter. He starts to turn him over, but Smash sits up and rakes Owen's back, breaking the move.

Anvil: See what I mean, the thief cannot even get the move right.

Smash tags in Ax. Ax bursts in... and CLOTHESLINES Owen to his knees. He hooks him... POWERBOMB!! Ax waves the referee aside... and rushes Owen's face ... INTO THE UNPROTECTED TURNBUCKLE!!! Owen... PUTS ON THE BREAKS!!! Owen hits a go-behind on Ax... hooks him... BRIDGE SUPLEX...... the referee drops down....

1... 2.... SMASH BREAKS UP THE PIN!!! Owen turns over and looks for the Bulldog. Ax starts to stir and pulls on Owen's leg. Owen gets up and starts to put the Sharpshooter on again... but Ax kicks him off.... INTO THE TURNBUCKLE!!!!!

Ax starts pounding on Owen's bloody face!!!

Anvil: You know, I am disappointed in Owen, calling me what was it a big idiot? Come on Owen, come up with a better line thatn that, how about, an overweight drunkard like Pillman used. I mean at least THAT is original!

Owen's head is snapping back from each punch from Demolition. He doubles forward... and Ax... POWERBOMBS HIM!!! Ax circles around Owen... and pulls him into a FULL NELSON!!!!



The Bulldog helps up Owen, who has fallen unconcious from the pain. Demolition leaves the ring, and their fog starts to billow around them as they put back on their leather gloves, and then suddenly they attack the Anvil!!!!

Neidhart is assaulted at a blinding speed! He reaches for something.. but cannot get it as Ax and Smash are all over him!!!

The Road Warriors come charging around the ring toward Demolition as the Hitman comes charging from the back like a house on fire!!! The Anvil is knocked clear across the table, scattering not only Sarah and Jim, but the monitors and papers as well. The fog rises up from some unseen source once again... and into it... DEMOLITION disappears, just as Hawk, Animal and the Hitman arrive.

Bret helps up the Anvil as Hawk and Animal pound their nightsticks into their hand, anticipating... or even HOPING Demolition returns.


Sarah: Looks like Piper's going to have to lay a few MORE rules down!

JR: And we still got TWO MORE matches to GO!

Sarah: It's going crazy around here! Let's hope my next segment goes just fine! Now YOU watch the fort!

Click here to go to Part VIII of this event.