from: Anchorage, Alaska
381 lbs.
Ranked: #4
from: Henderson, TN
234 lbs.
Ranked: I/C Champion

from: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
234 lbs.
Ranked: #2 Tag Team
w/Brutus & the Warrior


The Match:
The Blizzard comes out with immense boo's from the German WWF Fans. He just ignores fact he seems to love it. He is looking around looking out for any sneak-attack's. He walks towards the ring...teasing the crowd a bit. He walks up the ring...and slides into the ring.

Double J's Country Music starts to play... and the fans give a nice ovation for the I/C champion! His music notes play across the ring and he climbs in. Then... he and the Blizzard SHAKE HANDS!? The Blizzard whispers something into Jarrett's ear and then shakes his hand again.

JR: WHAT!? This doesn't make ANY sense! They HATE each other!

The Hart Foundation music starts to play, and fireworks go off above the ring, but the Hitman is already at ringside. Where he has removed his jacket, and taken off his sunglasses, which he places on a young boy at ringside. The Hitman then rolls into the ring, and holds his hands out to the fans, as they all cheer for him. The fans are going WILD!!!!

JR: They LOVE the Hitman here in Germany!

Coming to ringside is Brutus Beefcake and the Ultimate Warrior. Bret climbs into the ring, not looking too good. The referee calls for the Blizzard and Double J to begin the match. Pinnette then calls for the bell.

Jarrett runs in and DROPKICKS the Blizzard on the shoulder... then moves over... and TAGS IN BRET! The Hitman steps in between the ropes and the Blizzard charges at him. Bret drops down... grabs a leg... SINGLE LEG TAKEDOWN!! THE BIG BLIZZARD IS TAKEN OFF HIS FEET!!! Bret twists the leg around in a leg lock and the Blizzard yells out in pain! The referee drops down to see if the Blizzard will submit. Blizzard shakes his head...

NO! The Hitman wrenches the leg around again, provoking not only a yell of pain from Blades... but also... DOUBLE J COMES IN!! He axehandles the Hitman, breaking the hold! The fans boo Jarrett as he is put out by the referee.

JR: I don't understand this! Blizzard... and Jarrett... TOGETHER?

Sarah: This is now a hand-capped match!

As the Hitman regains his bearings, holding his already 'bashed' head.... Miss Elizabeth comes down the aisle! She is holding a long stemmed rose and makes her way to the ring. She has a nervous look on her face.

The Hitman gets up to his feet at the same time the Blizzard does. The Hitman... CLOTHESLINES the Blizzard! Blades fires back with an elbowsmash to the head. Blades reaches back and tags in Jarrett.

Double J comes in... AND ROLLS THE HITMAN UP! The ref counts... 1... 2...KICKOUT!

JR: Near fall situation! The first of the contest!

Sarah: Don't look now!! THE ENFORCERS!

Arn and Benoit come trucking down to the ring. The Warrior and Brutus move to intercept. In the ring, Jarrett and Hart are on their feet. Jarrett bounces to the ropes and at the Hitman... who dives at him... FOREARM SMASH!!! Bret, exhausted, tags in the Blizzard. Blades steps in...

The Enforcers BOWL OVER the Warrior and Beefcake and head to the ring!!! Elizabeth steps aside as Anderson and Benoit come down...

The Blizzard and Jarrett lock up. Blades then starts to unload with a series of punches. Anderson jumps up onto the apron and Pinnette, SICK of Anderson, turns to admonish him....

Benoit rolls in... and KICKS THE BLIZZARD! Double J backs away, catching his breath from the punches of Blades. Anderson keeps the referee tied up as Benoit starts laying into the Blizzard.

JR: NOW WHAT!? Just when I thought I had it figured out! IS Jarrett IN with the Horsemen!? Is HE the replacement for RAZOR?

Beefcake comes running down and slides in. HE gets caught with a European Uppercut from Benoit. Anderson keeps the referee occupied! Benoit lands a forearm on the Blizzard that floors him! Beefcake is knocked from the ring...

THEN THE WARRIOR COMES CHARGING DOWN!!! THE FANS GO WILD!!! Anderson makes a hand motion to Benoit and the Crippler leaves. The Warrior and Brutus then chase off the Enfocers and the match resumes....


Sarah: This is CRAZY! We may need the Road Warriors at EVERY card!

Jarrett moves over to the Hitman, who is still nursing his busted open head and sore throat.... and TAGS HIM IN! The fans cheer as Bret comes in....