("The Bad Guy"Razor Ramon is in his locker room)
"The Bad Guy"Razor Ramon:"Since none of those chicos decided to join my stable,I have decided to join yet another stable,but this one is for good!WWF,chicos you will all find out what stable I have joined at Qualify 97,this Sunday,on NBC,chicos!Alot of you will be shocked chicos,but I don't give a BLEEP,because I am The Bad Guy!I'm gonna CARVE YOU UP,mang!"(Razor does The Carve You Up sign with his toothpick)(Razor throws his toothpick,at the camera)
(The screen fades to black)
Arn Anderson is standing in front of the camera, he is wearing a 4 horsemen shirt with the enforcers and the BlackJacks. He is wearing black tights that say 'ENFORCER' on the back.
Chris Benoit is wearing a cut-off horsemen shirt, It is cut at the arms and the waist. He is wearing his red tights, with 4H on the side.
Woman is standing between them, she is wearing a black low-cut dress.
Arn: Road Dummies, We are going to beat you. And we are going to prove to the WWF that we are capable of beating you and winning the tag titles. Bring down all of your MegaPunk friends and we'll se what happens to them. You stand no chance against the enforcers. Hawk, have you ever been in the DDT? Well if not, tonight you will.
Chris: Road Warriors, The Crippler, The Enforcer, and The Blackjacks aren't gonna stand for your crap. You bring the MegaPunk friends to interfere and help you beat us. It's happened before, but I will not let it happen again.
Arn: And as far as Owen and the Bulldog go, we challenge you to a no DQ, match next week! You pansies! The Horsemen are alive and well. We are takin' no prisoners. The horsemen are alive and well. Comeon' guys lets go!
The 3 leave the camera.
Hawk and Animal stand with thier arms crossed. Thier face paint had darkened several shades and their shoulder pads are a far darker red as are their wrestling trunks.
Shadow paces back and forth in front of them.
Hawk: Enforcers... You time is up.
Animal: But ours is just beginning. Soon, very soon, Shadow will reveal everything to us.
Hawk: We are closer to learning about True Justice and True Evil.
Animal: Enforcers you will be destroyed!!!
THE ENFORCERS from: Minnesota & Calgary, Canada 468 lbs. Ranked: - w/Woman |
VS.![]() |
LEGION OF DOOM from: Chicago, Ill 562 lbs. Ranked: Unified Tag Champs w/Shadow |
The Match:
The Enforcers are introduced first, and they come to the ring with Woman strutting in front holding up the four finger symbol of the Horsemen. The fans boo them as they get into the ring.'Iron Man' starts to play, and the fans rise up to greet the champions! Hawk and Animal come through the curtains behind Shadow and they begin to come down the aisle.... AND THE BLACKJACKS ATTACK!!!
From behind.....