Jim Ross comes down to the table to join Heart Attack and Sarah. They exchange their hellos.
JR: Well, I'm going to fill in here, seeing as Pillman won't be back it seems! I passed him in the back! He's a MESS! He's covered in silly string... his ears are bleeding! He's complaining about his knee! Neidhart is back there too! It's a MADHOUSE HERE TONIGHT!
Sarah: It seems that the WWF has gotten that way as of late!
Heart Attack: GOTTEN that way?
JR: A lot happening! The Road Warriors looked AWESOME here tonight! At Qualify, when they meet the Harts... it's going to be perhaps the GREATEST tag team match-up of all time!
Sarah: It's going to be a tough one to call!
JR: Up next, it's Mistress Pain and Venus Victrix! We all remember last week, after Venus defeated Atlantra, Mistress Pain and Venus got into a bit of a scuffle! Venus doesn't appreciate receiving the Devil Sign... and she looks to do something about it tonight! Let's get up to the ring and get the announcements...
MISTRESS PAIN from: The Depths of Rage & Suffering 221 lbs. Ranked: - w/Maxx Payne, Nitro and Steele |
vs.![]() |
VENUS VICTRIX from: Rome, Italy 165 lbs. Ranked: - w/- |
The Match:
Mistress Pain is up in the ring, and she removes the armor that we've seen her in for weeks! She's a tall, powerfully built woman, with long, dirty blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. She isn't a ripped up type of build, but is powerful looking. The fans give her a few boos. Maxx and the bodyguards get to the outside.JR: First time we've seen Mistress Pain in action LEGALLY! Let's see what she can do! She'll be TESTED!
Venus comes down the aisle in her wrestling singlet and a white cloak. She looks curiously at Mistress Pain, sizing her up as she gets into the ring. She tosses her cloak to the outside, and swings her long blonde hair around and readies to fight...
The bell rings...and Venus brings up a kick into Pain's mid-section. Mistress Pain retaliates with a HEAD BUTT! Venus is stunned from the quick shot... and then is bowled over with a clothesline!!! Mistress Pain looks down at her... and gives her the Devil's sign!!!
As Pain pulls up Venus to her feet, Jim Cornette comes down the aisle. He has a serious look on his face, but the fans laugh at his clothes and aggitage him. He gives them dirty looks and pretends to swing at them with his tennis raquet. He then turns and seems to be scouting the match.
JR: Wouldn't suprise me if James E. were looking for a FEMALE to manage! Cornette is on a roll here in the WWF!
Pain sends Venus for the ride to the buckle... REVERSAL!!! Pain hits front-first to the turnbuckle... and Venus rushes in and CLOTHESLINES her in the BACK!! She wrenches hard around the waist... GUT-WRENCH SUPLEX!!
Sarah: Here comes the SUPLEXES!!
JR: She's setting her up for another...
VERTICAL SUPLEX!!! Venus clamps a hand on either side of Pain's head... and pulls her up in a headvise! She stands her up... throws her to the ropes.... SCOOP SIDE SUPLEX!!! Venus looks around at the fans... and they give her a nice ovation!!! She smiles at them... and goes back to work...
Pain comes rushing in... and Venus moves with her... grabbing an arm.... AND DROPPING HER DOWN IN A CODE:RED ARMLOCK!!! They drop to the mat... and Pain rakes the eyes to escape!
JR: Venus shows me more and more each week! Pain seems to be crafty though!
Jim Cornette is shown scouting the match again. He does his best to ignore the fans who keep laughing at him and taunting him. Pain pulls Venus up... whips her to the ropes... and bounces herself off the opposite side....