WWF Superstars, May 10, 1997


Dok: Welllllll, Smilin' Dok Hendriks here about to interivew a lady in the middle of a LOT of controversy... Sabrina Savage.

Sabrina comes out in jeans and a Harlem Heat Sucks t-shirt, wearing her sunglasses.

Sabrina: Hey there Dok. (pats him on the shoulder) How'd Sable like that tux?

Dok: Oh... uh... she thought I was lookin' FINE!

Sabrina: Good. Fire away!

Dok: Well, how are the negotiations going with Corey Major?

Sabrina: He's still looking over the contract. Fine by me. I want him to be absolutely sure about this.

Dok: And, uh... hey what about this thing with Terry Taylor?

Sabrina: Well, actually, I have something to say about Mr. Taylor. Terry, maybe I WAS a bit harsh. Just do me a favor. Stay away from Derrick AND Corey, and we can forget this whole thing ever happened! And in return, Austin, Pillman and I... AND Corey if he joins us...will leave Taylor Tech alone as well. We have a mutual respect for one another and I'd hate to see it turn into hatred.

Dok: And how about it! Sabrina what's the inside scoop on the Empire and what happened to the Emperor?

Sabrina: I... really couldn't tell you Dok. There's been a lot of talk about a MOCK takeover. I won't confirm OR deny it. What I CAN say is... the Empire is truly dead.

Lucifer Graves walks onto the set and stands a little behind Sabrina.

Dok: Uh... Mr. Graves... what are you doing here?

Graves looks like he's about to say something, but Sabrina holds up a hand.

Sabrina: Lucifer is my insurance in case Terry and the Giant are unhappy with my actions. And even though I told Lucifer he would never work for me again after he gave me away to Sunny, I understand his motiations.

Sabrina takes a wad of money out of her pocket and hands it over her shoulder to Graves. He inhales it before stashing it on his person.

Sabrina: Dok, the interview is done. Good luck with Sable.

Dok: Oh... uh... Thank you Sabrina.

Sabrina, walking away with Lucifer trailing behind her says...

Sabrina: (over her shoulder) Miss Savage.

The screen goes black.


 (JoBo and ZoBo are seen in the interview area)

ZoBo: My JoBo faces Scott Hall in the first round of the King of the Ring tournament. Well Mr. Hall, my JoBo challenges you to a match before the King of the Ring. Accept my JoBo's challenge.

JoBo: HALL!! JoBo face you. JoBo beat you. You go to hospital.

ZoBo: Corey Major? There has been a lot of contriversy surounding you lately and I am sick of it. My JoBo challenges you, also, to a match.

JoBo: Major! JoBo Mirnyy Drive you before. JoBo Mirnyy Drive you again.

ZoBo: Accept the challenges of the mighty JoBo or surrender now.

The camera comes back down to the announcer's table. Corey has wide eyes, looking at the monitor.

Corey: Oh yeah! He DID Mirnyy Drive me pretty hard before! That HURT! Well...YEAH! Alright! I'll accept the challenge! What the HECK! Can't get enough of those check marks in the 'L' column!

Heart Attack: You've gotten BETTER since then! You might suprise him!

Corey: Yeah, but this is JOBO we're talkin' about!

Heart Attack: You're FULL of suprises!

Corey: See... JoBo beat Flash Funk... and Flash Funk beat me... so JoBo can beat me... AGAIN!

Heart Attack: I've heard that rationalle somewhere BEFORE!

Sarah: You beat DDP!

Corey: That means JOBO could beat DDP!

Sarah: You beat Stardom!

Corey: JOBO beat Stardom!

Heart Attack: YEAH?! WITH a LOT of help from FIVE guys!

Corey: Ah... it don't matter! JoBo... I ACCEPT! My name will be on the dotted line! See you in the RING!

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