Kevin Kelly : Ladies and Gentelmen...please welcome...SUNNY !!!.
(You know I want you starts to play as Sunny Jions Kevin Kelly in the interview area.She is dressed in a pair of jeans and an oversized sweat shirt. She looks tired but happy.)
Sunny :Hey Hun thanks for having me on you show.
K.Kelly : Welcome Sunny...the first question...and the question probably everyone has on their mind...what is going on between you and The Rebirth.
Sunny : Look Kevin the Rebirth and I are through! Phoenix wants to blame me for what happened with the Blackjack then fine! I don't need that! I better and bigger plans.
K.Kelly : I guess you are still the official manager of you have any idea who her "Master" is ?. Or don't you have a clue like the rest of us.
Sunny :Yes Kevin I am still managing Womenkind. As for who this master is I have no idea.But it is ok I will wait to find out with the rest of you.
K.Kelly : You have been threatened by The BlackJacks and other people. Are you afraid that you might be attacked ?. I are not a wrestler...let's just say you could get injured easily.
Sunny : If I were afraid of the Blackjacks or any one else sweet I would not be here right now!No I am not a wrestler but if they are smart they will NOT try anything with me. It could cost them a lot.( She smiles)
K.Kelly : Brian Pillman has recently targeted you for his cruel jokes. He called you the worst manager in the WWF ever...and he also said that you and The Blizzard are trying to set up The WWF again. Any comments ?.
Sunny : Kevin I want through all that stuff with Sabrina and did not let it affect me do you really think that I will let Brian Pillman bother me now.
K.Kelly : Is there any chance of you coming back to The Blizzard. I have seen you two behind the scenes...and he looks very in love with you...complimenting you on your beauty...and you just kinda blow him off.
Sunny :( Looking a little upset) Man what is with you people and the Blizzard! I left him already why can't you people just let it be!!Stop trying to push me back to him!
K.Kelly : Are you gonna manage someone again ?. If you are...any hints ?.
Sunny : I am managing some one! Womenkind!As for anyone else only time will tell that one.
K.Kelly : Final don't have to answer if you don't want to...why did you leave The Blizzard.( You see Sunny getting every upset at this one) You two seemed please tell us if you would like to.
Sunny: (tears in her eyes) Again with the Blizzard! Yes he was good to me and tried to make me happy! He did everything I told him and More! I don't know I just didn't want that any more! Will you people stop trying to confuse me!
( Sunny runs out of the interview area not watching where she is going you hear a loud crash off camera as the camera cuts out.)
To be continued.......
Jim Ross climbs up into the ring with a mic.
JR: Ladies and gentlemen... please welcome at this time.... THE BADD BOY DERRICK STARDOM!!!
'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour starts to play. Stardom throws aside the curtains and steps through with an arrogant look on his face. His eyes betray anger. He walks down the aisle, hearing a mixture of boos and cheers.
He nods to Heart Attack then turns and climbs into the ring with Ross.
JR: Welcome Mr. Stardom, this past Tuesday on TNT....
Stardom: .... We saw PAYBACK! The Corporate Machine got what was coming to him. I booked him passage to the HOSPITAL! And I could care LESS what anybody thinks about what I did.
JR: Well, personally, I think what you did was RIGHT!
Stardom: I said I don't CARE what you think. Right... OR wrong. Now... I'm ready for the REST of Taylor Tech. And NEXT TNT... I'm going after the center piece! THE GIANT!
JR: The self-proclaimed UNCROWNED champion!
Stardom: That's ANOTHER thing I don't CARE ABOUT! EVERYONE knows that I am the rightful Intercontinental Champion! EVERYONE! Jarrett's got it... he earned it.... as did Vader before him. THEY'RE not the ones that kept that belt from me. It's the Empire.... and it's many incarnations under it's many guises.
JR: Taylor Tech is what they're calling themselves now.
Stardom: They call themselves THAT.... while I just call them... OUT! The Corporate Machine was FIRST. JoBo.... took care of Hall. (turns to Ross) Imagine THAT! JoBo... inadvertently HELPING me.
JR: That IS a change. You and he were brutal enemies at one time. But do you expect to do the same thing to the Giant, that you did to the Machine?
Stardom: If not on TNT... then at another time. I've beaten bigger and better men then the Giant... and I'll continue to do it. Taylor Tech won't be out in full force come TNT... but the Badd Boy Derrick Stardom is ALWAYS at full force. As long as my heart is pumping...(looks to Heart Attack).... then I am at 100%. But it looks... by MY estimation... that Taylor Tech is SHY a few of their numbers. That leaves them LESS then 100%.
JR: But they still have you OUTNUMBERED! Out GUNNED!
Stardom: Par for the course. The game I play is of PERCENTAGES! It doesn't matter if it's 2 to 1 or 100 to 50... it's all the same. It all ENDS the same. And that is with the Badd Boy Derrick Stardom.... victorious as always... and lookin' OH-SO-FLY... IN THE DOIN' SO!!!!..... GIANT..... TUESDAY NIGHT TITANS..... MY SLING IS LOADED... AND IT'S CALLED.... THE STARFALL!!!!!!
Stardom's music kicks in again.
Stardom leaps out of the ring and lands on his feet. He adjusts his tie.... pulls out his shades and carefully puts them on his head......and walks out.