RESULTS: Monday Night Raw May 19, 1997

SID SITS UP!!! VADER CRASHES!!!! The Champion pulls Vader up, clearly riding on his second wind and the energy of the fans!!! He plants a big boot into Vader's head, knocking him from the ring!!! Sid leaps out after him!!!

Sid takes Vader by the head... and SLAMS HIM FACE FIRST into the steel ringpost!!! He does it again... and again!!! The referee yells at Sid to get back into the ring. Some fans are actually BOOING Sid!!!

Sid doesn't care! He grabs a chair... and CRACKS it across Vader's back, knocking him to his knees... he does it again.. and AGAIN!!!! The arena is loud, still cheering Sid on... but some boos are mixed in.

JR: He doesn't need to do this! He can win it FAIR!

Heart Attack: I think the Road Warriors are setting a BAD example for EVERYONE!!

Vader finally pulls himself up to his feet. Cornette is yelling and complaining and gets the referee to issue warnings to Psycho Sid. Vader knocks the chair away and pushes Sid back into the ring, rolling him in. The two melee up to their feet. Vader's head is tricking down with the crimson from the ringposts and the chair shots.

Sid gets a punch into the open wound on Vader's forehead. Vader blocks a second punch... and fires an axehandle into his face. Sid bends forward... into a PILEDRIVER!!! Cornette cheers, swinging his raquet around!

Vader leaves Sid on the mat... and goes to the corner... VADER BOMB!!!! RIGHT ON TARGET!!!

King: WOW!! That HAD to hurt!!! I think it's over now!!!

But Vader doesn't go for the pin!! He goes to the corner... and slowly begins to climb up again!!!

JR: This could be a mistake!!!

King: Nah... James E has got it ALL figured out!

Sid is motionless in the ring. Vader finally makes it to the top rope. Cornette's wide smile seems to get WIDER! Vader leaps.... A SECOND VADER BOMB... HITS!!!! WHAT IMPACT!!!! Vader hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3....

YES!!!! THREE COUNT!!! Vader's music starts to play! Cornette looks around... and starts waving for officials to come around.... HE SEES DOUBLE J... COMING THROUGH THE FANS!!!

Jarrett leaps over the barricade looking up at Vader in the ring. The officials hold Jarrett off, and Cornette laughs at him. Vader rears his head back and YELLS OUT LOUD as the referee hands him the WORLD TITLE!!!

Sid rolls from the ring, looking disappointed. He hangs his head low to Sarah D, apologizing for losing the title. They leave.

Cornette and Vader join Demolition and they leave together, victorious... with Vader's music blasting in the background.

Vincer Kaden turns with a smile towards a nervous looking Heart Attack. He smiles at her... and she smiles back, but is definitely a little worried.

King: YES! Vader WINS! Or more importantly... SID LOSES! New champion BABY!

JR: Yes indeed! I can't believe it! Vader is now a two time I/C champion AND a two time WORLD CHAMPION!

The officials, after outsting Jarrett... move between Austin and Pillman and the Road Warriors. They shout at each other... and look ready to explode!!!

JR: Tomorrow night up in New York... those two teams will go at it!! New I/C champion tonight, King!

King: That ref should be FIRED!

JR: And new TAG TEAM champions! Money Incorporated!

King: Like I said... Luxury has a winning team THERE!

JR: What a night it's been! And it looks like a coupld of colleagues of ours will be having DINNER after the show!!! GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!!!! WE'LL SEE YOU IN MADISON SQUARE GARDENS!!!