RESULTS: Monday Night Raw May 19, 1997


The Hart Foundation stands here, both are wearing their wrestling singlets, leather jackets, and are wearing the tag team title belts.

Bret: Well, some people might ask if we have gone crazy. . . err (he looks at the Anvil who s just grinning and storking his goatee) well if I had gone crazy, one of us here can be considered nuts already. But why the heck are we accepting the challenge of a tag team we know nothing about?

Anvil: Well look at the tag team situation here! Demolition gets us at the King of the Ring, The Road Warriors deserve a shot but they are a little focused right now, and the people they are focused on the Blackjacks DON'T deserve a shot. And those are all the RANKED teams right now, so we accepted this.

Bret: We felt that this may be a great challenge, but we do not think we will be set up, Luxury is a good girl, and a Network member, and I happen to have a lot of friends over there in the Network. So though we are at a disadvantage, I mean who could come out of those curtains, from Yokozuna, to Martey Jannety. So lets head out there and see who we are up against!

Anvil: HAHA! And let me tell you after tonight, these belts will STILL be around our waists!

They head out.

the Hart Foundation

The Match:
Luxury comes to ringside and takes the microphone from Howard Finkel.

Luxury: Before I bring the team out, I'd like to thank the Hart Foundation for accepting the challenge. It takes REAL champions to go into a match, not even knowing who the team they're facing is. But enough suspence . . . ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the team that I represented in this challenge . . . MONEY INCORPORATED!

Through the curtains comes.... Terry Taylor and the Giant!

Vincer: Now who would have BET it would be THOSE two!?

JR: Certainly not... Dok Hendriks?!

Vincer: (smiling slyly) CERTAINLY not!

Luxury goes and stands in a neutral corner, keeping an eye on the action.

King: OH YEAH!! Ha Ha Ha Ha! New Tag Team Champs tonight! I can feel it! Oh, Bret Hart has done it now! That's what he gets for accepting a BLIND challenge!

Sarah: We'll see.

The Hart Foundation music starts to play as pink and white lights start to move around the audience, and the Hart Foundation heads down the aisle, both men have put on sunglasses. When they get to ringside, they both take off their title belts and give them to the referee, and they take off their jackets, and the Anvil removes his sunglasses. Bret heads over to a little girl at ringside and puts his sunglasses on her. Both men then roll into the ring, and fireworks erupt over the ring. Bret climbs the ropes in a corner and raises his hands to the fans, while the Anvil starts bouncing on the ropes and running across the ring, bouncing and running back. The Hart Foundation huddles up, and talk over their strategy.

The Anvil gets on the apron and the Hitman steps up. The Giant steps over the top rope to start for Money Inc. The bell rings....

Bret reaches out to lock up with the Giant, but instead grabs an arm and spins behind the Giant, pushing him down to his knees by pulling the arm up behind him. Bret releases and tries to clamp on a sleeper... but the Giant sends a big hand up over his own head and clocks the Hitman!!!

The Giant rises up to full height and puts his boot into Bret's throat, driving him back into the corner and choking him. Bret is then Irish Whipped hard to the opposite corner. He looks up just in time to see the Giant running in on him... but cannot get out of the way... CORNER CLOTHESLINE!!! THE RING MOVES!!

The Giant tags in Terry Taylor. Taylor carefully stalks Bret... waiting as he rises up. Taylor runs in at Bret....

Click here to go to Part VIII of this event.