WWF Superstars, May 24, 1997


Tyr watches a tape in her mansion of The Giant winning the tag titles. Seeress is right beside her.

Tyr: Hmmmm...now this is interesting!

Seeress: Yes. Unfortunately impressive.

Tyr: Don't you see, Seer? We can kill three birds with one stone!

Seeress: How?

Tyr: Since the Blackjacks are too chicken to answer our call... We can challenge the Giant for the tag titles! I could be the first woman tag champion, if Piper allows it.

Seeress: YES! Yes indeed!

Tyr: Then I could teach that creep not to play with the fire...ME! The third bird comes with The Undertaker getting his revenge for the Giant using the Darkside...even though I'm not considered a part of it anymore.

Seeress: Don't start THAT again...

Tyr: Paul Bearer won't even speak to me anymore...what did I do wrong? At least Dirge is understanding enough...

Seeress: I know...when you win the tag titles you can gain The Creatures faith.

Tyr: I can only hope...


The lights suddenly go off and a loud BONG! is heard. Then 'Bloodletting' By Concrete Blonde plays over the P.A. Candlelight immediately comes on and druids carry a coffin down to ringside. One of the druids removes his robe and reveals himself to be Trent Reznor. He is wearing a NIN shirt and he opens the coffin and Valetia rises up and into the ring. She has a mic in her hand.

Valetia: Greetings my Creatures of the Night!

She raises her hand and the lights come back on

Valetia: I am here for one reason in particular. That reason is Lady Tyr. I came on a show last week and asked for a match at Summerslam against you and a Dream partner, well lets change that! This Wednesday Night on Raw I want that match to take place! That's right! You get your Dream partner and I'll get mine and we'll have ourselves a DARKSIDE match. The rules will be stated at the beginning as will my partner. Lady Tyr you will know the meaning of fear and you shall REST...IN...PEACE!

Lights go off again and another loud bong is heard and when the lights come back on the ring is empty.


The Slickster is looking particularly 'stylish' as he waves his hands and talks very animated like back in the Rebuttal area.

Slick: FRIENDS.... the message I bring to you today... has a VERY impo'tant underlying message. It's a message meant.... for CERTAIN individuals.... but it will do us ALL good.... to heed these words.

Slick continues, still very animated. Like a TV evangelist.

Slick: Fuhst of all... I want to remind everybody... that we are ALL guilty. Whether it be for deeds long since forgotten... or for deeds that we have yet to commit. At the very least.... in our hearts..... and at the very worst... in our actions... we are ALL guilty!

Slick: And REGARDLESS of the sins we have perpetrated upon others. We must remembah.... that our actions... do NOT make us outsiders. We are NOT alone. For our guilt makes us as one. I ask you now.... is to hurt a small mouse, crouching in the back of the church... any LESS of a crime.... then hurting a bruthah... or a sistah?

Slick: It matters NOT what you have done. It matters ONLY that you realize WHAT you have done.... and that you are not alone. And when you see this... you will want only one thing.... whether you are black... white.... yellow... red.... purple.... you want ONLY one thing then.... and that is FORGIVENESS for your wrong-doings.

Slick: And because we are ALL alike. Because not one of us... is better then the other. Because YOU will need that forgiveness some day as well. Because we are TOGETHER.... it is from our hearts that we say... YOU ARE FORGIVEN!!! And you have every right to be given then chance to redeem yourself.... because the good LORD knows... I'll need that chance myself someday. And you, too, will give it to me.

Slick: NOT because I have done good for you. NOT because I have forgiven YOU. Not because I am a better man.... but because we are all the SAME! We are ALL GUILTY! And we ALL need to be given a chance.... to prove we CAN come back.

Slick: Bruthahs and sistahs... I thank you for your time. Go now.... and SUCCEED.... in ALL your endeavors! PEACE!

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