IGNORES TODD!! The fans CHEER!! Diesel ATOMIC DROPS Hall!!! He then picks him up... and goes for A TORTURE RACK!! Hall drops down behind Diesel... spins him face to face... then CHOKE SLAMS HIM!!!

Diesel starts to get up... and Hall drops a BULLDOG HEADLOCK down on him!!! The Sensei yells in encouragement to BDC... then turns to rally the fans! He looks up.... AND THE CORPORATE MACHINE IS RUNNINNG AT HIM!!! The Machine dives in and slides into the Sensei's knees, knocking him down!!!

Hall continues to batter Diesel, who is distracted by the ringside events. Flash Funk moves in to help the Sensei... and another figure is moving out of the crowd!

Hall picks up Diesel... and sets him on the top rope, facing out!

The Machine grabs the Sensei by the nose... pulls him back... INTO A REVERSE DDT!!! A black-clad figure leaps over the barricade and dives onto the Machine and knocks him down. He then helps Flash pull the Sensei to safety.

JR: IT'S... THE BODYGUARD!! We haven't seen him in WEEKS!

In the ring, Hall climbs up with Diesel.... and hits BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE!!! Hall rolls back on top of Diesel... hooks the leg.... 1... 2... 3...!!!! THE FANS BOO!!

Hall isn't done!!! As the Bodyguard and Flash bring the Sensei around the ring away from Taylor Tech.... HALL HITS A HALL'S EDGE ON DIESEL!!! Big Daddy Cool looks HURT BAD!!! Hall rolls him out of the ring at the feet of the other Network members.

Hall: You're next JoBo, chico... at the King of the Ring! I'M GONNA CARVE YOU UP MANG! Diesel, Chico, I told you I would beat you, and I did mang! JoBo, at the King of the Ring, you're getting much the same mang, and I'm going to become the new WWF TV Champion, chico!

Hall's music plays and he leaves victorious with Taylor Tech. The Network helps an injured Diesel out of the ring.

JR: The body count keeps rising! Taylor Tech is out of CONTROL! Now Diesel is HURT! And he has a big match in just four days at Superstars Revenge!!!

Vincer: Place your bets NOW for Superstars Revenge. And one safe bet is... I WILL BE THERE!

Heart Attack: Me, too!

JR: Folks... that's ALL we have for TNT! It's been a HELLUVA night! We'll see you... TOMORROW... for WEDNESDAY Night RAW... on it's special NIGHT and time! Good night EVERYBODY!!


Trent Reznor was seriously injured by the Corporate Machine. Trent will be out of action for 24 days and will not be allowed into a WWF arena until June 21st. The Machine's fine was substantial, but covered by Terry Taylor.

The Blizzard Adrien Blades suffered serious neck and head injury, reaggravating his previous wounds. He also injured his legs around the knee region. He will be sidelined for 14 days and will return to action on June 11.

Big Daddy Cool, Diesel suffered minor injuries and is listed in stable condition. He was released that same night from medical attention. He will be at full health in 7 days, and will be allowed to compete only at Superstars Revenge.

Taylor Tech has accumlated a full 9,000 dollar fine, which will be deducted from their contender point account. 4,000 dollars was covered by Terry Taylor and his wealth, the remaining fines were divied equally amongst the remaining members of the stable.
