from: Parts Unknown
235 lbs.
Ranked: -
w/Susannah C. Helmsley
from: Detroit, MI
327 lbs.
Ranked: #8
w/the SenseiThe Match:
The camera comes back to the ring where the Corporate Machine and Diesel are ready to begin. The Machine stalks around BDC, ready to strike.On the outside, Susannah Helmsley is standing with her lap top, looking particularly irritated. The Sensei keeps an eye on her.
The Machine is ready to move in... when Diesel STRIKES FIRST! He shoulderblocks the Machine down then lifts him up and starts hammering him with punches and chops!
JR: Diesel is TIRED of the Machine...and his attacks on managers like the Sensei and Slick! IT'S PAYBACK TIME AGAIN!
Diesel sends the Machine to the ropes and brings up... A BIG BOOT!!! The Machine drops down. Diesel jumps up... ELBOWDROP!!! Susannah starts moving around at ringside, looking suspicious.
Diesel yanks up the Machine... BODYSLAM!!! Big Daddy looks out at the fans... and throws his fist in the air, signalling for the JACK-KNIFE!! THE FANS POP!
The Machine rolls to the outside and groups up with Susannah.
JR: In twelve days, it'll be BDC against the Giant... KOTR ACTION!
Sarah: Diesel WILL defend his crown!
The referee counts at the Machine... but Diesel can't wait! He moves toward the ropes. The ref turns and tries to push him back... but Diesel lightly sets him aside... and leans out at the Machine to pull him in...
Susannah... CRACKS DIESEL WITH THE COMPUTER!!! Big Daddy falls back into the ring!
Someone leaps from the CROWD!!! It's an old woman... in a trenchcoat with a shawl over her head. Then... like a STREAK... STARR BLAZE BLASTS FROM THE TRENCHCOAT, THROWING THE DISGUISE ASIDE!!!
She rushes at Susannah and dives into her, knocking her down. She's all OVER HER!!!
JR: The fans are going CRAZY!!! Starr Blaze is here... to SAVE THE DAY!!!
The Machine looks up in the ring and sees Diesel laid out! He's about to go in... when he sees Starr's back turned. He rushes in... and KARATE KICKS HER IN THE HEAD!!! THE FANS BOO!!!
Susannah gets up to her feet... and sets Starr Blaze up into the PEDIGREE!!! Diesel starts to get to his feet as Susannah begins to finish hooking it on. Starr reaches to her belt... pulls out one of her batons.... and holds it up, pressing the button....a red beam of light HITS SUSANNAH IN THE EYES!!! She stumbles back away from Blaze, holding her eyes!
Helmsley blindly flails around, looking for Starr! The Machine tries to come in at Blaze... and HE gets BLINDED in the eyes by the red laser!!! Diesel reaches over the ropes and pulls the Machine up..... into the JACK-KNIFE!!!! He covers...1... 2... 3...!!!!!
THE FANS GO BALLISTIC!!! Big Daddy Cool pops up to his feet!!! The Sensei vaults into the ring and celebrates!!
Starr Blaze points her finger at Susannah, shaking it... then she applauds Diesel's victory.
JR: WOW! Well.. now we know what those batons can do!
Sarah: That's what Helmsley GETS for interfering!
JR: Diesel gets revenge for the Sensei!!! He BEATS the Machine!
Diesels music plays over the PA as fireworks erupt over the ring and sparks shoot up from the turnbuckles!
JR: What a CARD it's been! We're outta time... we'll see you this weekend for SUPERSTARS!!!