Jesse Ventura stands in front of the door to The Road Warriors' room. He is smiling and his clothes are particularly colorful.
Jesse: Today is the day! Today is the day! This is Jesse Ventura reporting and today is the day! As you know the Road Warriors suffered some serious injuries some time ago and today is they day that they are supposed to return to the ring. We have waited a long time and I'm sure we all anted them back in the ring the ring where they belong.
Jesse open the door and walks in. He stops suddenly and the camera person runs into him which jars the picture. Slowly Jesse walk into the room. The camera reveals two empty white beds. The room is plastered with "Get Well" signs and cards and pictures. Even though the brightly colored signs are festive and cheerful there is no good feeling in the room. The whole room is strangely devoid of life.
Jesse simply stares at the white beds. His hands hang at their sides. Ouietly the door to the room opens. Dr.Mesmer enters the room. It looks as if he has not slept in some time. His white smock is rumpled and his hair is messy and there are dark circles under his eyes.
Dr.Mesmer: I thought I would find you here.
Jesse: Where are the Road Warriors? Are they OK?
Dr.Mesmer: I don't like telling you this but, they are not OK. Both of them are in very serious condition.
Jesse: What is it? What happened?
Dr.Mesmer: Hawk has suffered a stroke.
Jesse: Dear God... How serious is it?
Dr.Mesmer: Extremly. He has no brain activity. He is not dead, but their si not much chance of him pulling through.
Jesse: Is there anything you can do?
Dr.Mesmer: Yes there is one chance. There is a radical surgery I can perform, it is very risky, but if it is success full, Hawk will suffer no side effects from the Stroke.
Jesse: What is it?
Dr.Mesmer: The Von'Conrise. It is a surgery that I created my self. It took my over eleven years to do it.
Jesse: What are his chances? How many time have you performed it?
Dr.Mesmer: His chances are low. One in twenty. Perhaps less. And Hawk will be my first patient.
Jesse: (He looks very depressed - His voice is a whisper) What about Animal?
Dr.Mesmer: His case us even more serious I'm afraid.
Jesse: What? Are you serious?
Dr.Mesmer: His lung ruptured. He had nearly drown in his own blood before we saved him.
Jesse: What are you going to do?
Dr.Mesmer: At this point I just don't know... But the out look is not good at all. I have never heard of anyone surviving such a serious injury.
Jesse: Doctor please... Can you tell me anything more?
Dr.Mesmer: I'm sorry, but no. I have to leave now. I will know everything by Monday. I'll see you then.
Jesse: Thank- You, Dr.Mesmer.
The doctor leaves. And Jesse stands in the room all alone. He stand there for a bit, staring at the floor.
Jesse: This is Jesse Ventura signing off...
Jesse goes over to a bed and sits down. The camera turns off.
JR: My GOSH! This is terrible... TERRIBLE news! The LOD are one of the all-time GREATS in the WWF. But now we're not talking about their wrestling lives right now... we're talking about their lives in GENERAL!! Folks... you can bet one thing... THE HORSEMEN WILL PAY... and they will PAY DEARLY!!!
("The Rocket"Owen Hart,and "The British Bulldog"Davey Boy Smith are in their locker room)
"The Rocket"Owen Hart:"Demolition,we told you,we would walk out of Tuesday Night Titans,with the win,and we did my friends!Now we get a title shot,after The Hart Foundation of Bret Hart,and Jim Neidhart,have had theirs!We know they could beat Money Inc,and become the champs,again,but that means then,that we would fight them for The WWF Unified Tag Team Belts!We're going to be at ringside not making sure anyone interferes,but however scouting the match,to see who we will fight next!Money Inc,we hate you,and we'll gladly kick your asse's to become The WWF Unified Tag Team Champions!Hart Foundation,if you win the belts,we respect you alot,but we're going to have to beat you,and take those belts away from you,because we are on a mission,and that is to become The WWF Unifed Tag Team Champions!Whoooo!"
"The British Bulldog"Davey Boy Smith:(British Accent)"Demolition,you thought just because you beat The Hart Foundation,at The King of the Ring,that you were not only going to beat us,as well,but kick our asse's!Well we proved you wrong,and we walked out of Tuesday Night Titans with the victory!Now we have got the title shot,at either Money Inc,or The Hart Foundation,whoever wins that match!We don't care who wins,because we'll fight either team,and put up a good fight,against both teams,but we will walk out of that match we fight against either team,with The WWF Unified Tag Team Belts!"(The British Bulldog flexes his muscles)
(The screen fades to black)