RESULTS: Monday Night Raw July 21, 1997
Fog swirls around the screen, out steps Demolition.
Ax: Money Inc. You have been warned. And you will lose, you were the champs but won by suprise, a decent tactic. One we use often.
Smash: There recently have been a LOT of people who have been saying crap about our manager. Saying his men cannot win without help.
Ax: We could win without him, but not as well. We would eventually have risen to where we are, but he got us here faster. Speak all you want to, Mr. Cornette, has managed Vader to multiple titles and soon he will add the Tag TEam belts to his accolades. Talk all you like, but if anyone touches our manager.
Smash: Well, just watch what we do tonite.
Ax: Money Inc, time to be
Both: Demolished!
Money, Inc.
w/Todd Pettingill
w/Jim Cornette
The Match:
I owe my soul to the company store begins to play and Taylor, Todd and the Giant walk out confidently....they walk slowly to the ring...and get in.Fog swirls up from under the ring, and starts to move down from the rafters. The fog clouds connect into columns, and the fog on the ground reaches the ring level. Then down the entry way comes Jim Cornette, followed by another fog cloud. When this cloud reaches ringside it melts off Demolition, who take their time removing their leather outfits...
TAYLOR BASEBALL SLIDE KICKS AX!!! He falls down to the ground and Taylor gets on him and begins choking him down! Smash turns to help, but is pulled up by the Giant onto the apron...and HAMMERED DOWN with a punch!
JR: Money Inc is taking it to Demolition! Two of the top teams in our sport today are going to put on a BRUTAL show I can feel it!
The Giant and Terry throw Ax and Smash into the ring and continue the carnage! Taylor still has Ax by the throat and is choking the LIFE from him!! The Giant pulls up Smash... and backs him to the ropes. Smash GOUGES the eyes of the big man, causing him to move back.
Smash then follows Cornette's direction to help Ax by raking TAYLOR'S face too! Smash edges Ax to his corner. Ax is holding his throat, coughing and gasping... but he makes it to the apron. The ref moves Taylor out, and the Giant and Smash officially start.
The ref calls for the bell.
Pillman: Let's see how long THIS lasts!
Smash clotheslines the Giant, but can't knock him down. He tries AGAIN! The Giant returns fire with a big meathook to the face. Smash whips him to Ax's corner... then CLOTHESLINES him there. Ax still seems hurt as he struggles for air. Smash checks on his parnter, underestimating the Giant's recuperative powers.
The Giant snatches Smash by the throat... ONE HANDED CHOKE SLAM.... OUT OF THE RING!!!! THE FANS GASP!!! The Giant follows Smash out and begins to set up a table....
Ax is ready to drop down and help... but Taylor attacks HIM! He grabs Ax by the throat again and drags him into the ring. The Giant sends Smash head first to the table....REVERSAL!!! The Giant nearly cracks it in half!
In the ring... Taylor goes to the top rope over a winded Ax... FLYING BULLDOG!!! Smash rolls in to help his partner again, but is kicked by Taylor... then tossed back out to the Giant... who catches him by the throat.... hoists him up... turns....
AND CHOKE SLAMS HIM THROUGH THE TABLE!!! The table splinters into a million pieces!!!
Taylor is being put back in his corner by the ref... and Ax is down. The Giant sees this and enters the ring. He picks up Ax... and VERTICAL SUPLEXES HIM. He holds him up... and DROPS HIM OUT OF THE RING!!!
The ref puts Taylor out... but the Giant legally TAGS HIM IN! Now the GIANT doesn't go to his corner... but he goes back to the outside and grabs Ax! The referee starts issuing warnings and counting... IT'S CHAOTIC!!!
The Giant picks up Ax... and JACKNIFES HIM on top of SMASH!!! The Giant pulls Smash from underneath the wreck and rolls him into the ring for Taylor. Terry grabs him by the legs.... and pulls him to the ringpost where he begins to set for a FIGURE FOUR!!! Smash fights it with a scratch on Taylor's leg... then a punch to his face. They get back into the middle of the ring.
The referee forces the Giant to his corner.... but Ax is FAR from getting up. Jim Cornette moves over to help him, and he begins to stir. Cornette stands and begins motioning toward Smash, directing him.
Todd Pettingill sees this... and gets up on the apron. The ref moves over and they begin to argue.
JR: Folks, excuse me if I seem a little quieter... this is just too much action to call! It's like a ROYAL RUMBLE!
Pillman: See? This is GREAT! I hope they all kill each other!
Smash throws Taylor to the outside, near Ax. Jim Cornette begins to regroup his team... and the Giant drops down on his side of the ring and begins to rush over.
Todd still has the referee distracted....