RESULTS: Monday Night Raw July 21, 1997


Dok Hendriks finds Roxanne in the backstage area. She's watching Raw on one of the monitors, checking things out. She's dressed in her midnight blue, two piece gear and has the women's title belt with her.

Dok: Roxanne! Can I have a word with you?

Roxanne turns to him with a smile. Her face still has a few scratches on it, but she's healing.

Roxanne: Sure, Dok! (high-fives him) What do you want to rap about?

Dok: Well, you're here! Just like you said!

Roxanne: As you saw on Superstars, I got my rest. I stayed out for the amount of time Titan Tower forced me to. And now I'm here. And I'm on the look out for the Femme Fatales, or anybody else that would hurt my Summerslam team-mates!

Dok: Wellll... we know you're sitting out of the Queen of the Ring tournament by your own choosing so that you'll be READY for Summerslam...

Roxanne jumps in...

Roxanne: That's exactly right! I've always maintained how important this title is... and the Queen of the Ring title is no less important. And if I said otherwise, I was a little off-base. What REALLY is more important then any of these titles... is friendship. Wild Chylde and I developed a friendship. It wasn't forced upon us by the powers that be. We didn't know each other... or go to school together. We just became friends. And I want to be in TOP form when I defend her against Ted DiBiase and the Femme Fatales at Summerslam!

Dok: Well, that goes with what I was saying. You're staying out of the Queen of the Ring because of your healing... but what about tomorrow night!? You're defending the TITLE!? WHY?!

Roxanne: I made that match. The contract was signed. And it is my duty... it is my right... it's my PRIVELEGE to defend this title belt against the top contenders... and I'm going to do that. Wild Chylde DiBiase EARNED this shot. And I want to give it to her.

Dok: Are you at 100%?

Roxanne: Who IS? This is a contact sport... you know that Dok. Injuries happen. Not many people DO wrestle at 100%. I'm sure Wild Chylde's bones ache or her muscles are sore. Conditioning is all part of the game. And the better conditioned wrestlers will win.

She looks at the camera.

Roxanne: And Wild Chylde.. you didn't talk me out of the match two weeks ago... my BODY did. Well, this time, NEITHER of you are going to talk me out of it. The match is ON!

Dok: Any final words, Roxanne!?

Roxanne: Yep! Heart Attack!? Good luck tonight! And welcome to the TEAM! See you side by side at Summerslam!

Dok: What a team that is being put together! I can't WAIT to see who's next! Let's get back to more Monday Night Raw!

JR: Well, the ladies title WILL be on the line tomorow night! I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing?

Pillman: It's ALWAYS a good thing to see Roxanne in the ring. But that's ALL she's good for is lookin' at! There's just nothing happening upstairs!

JR: Up next, we have two female superstars who are at a cross-roads. Atlantra desperately needs a win to finally move up in the division, and Heart Attack desperately needs a win to perhaps slip back into the top five. Let's hear from these two superstars, then we'll get to the action!


Atlantra sits in front of her pool of sharks.She strokes one of the sharks as it swims by her. then looks into the camera.

Atlantra: So Heart Attack we shall once again meet in the depths of the waters known as the squared circle.

She looks at the sharks as they swim for a while. Then turns back to the camera.Looking almost sad.

Atlantra: Normally I would go into this looking to hurt you.But to do that would hurt someone I do not wish to hurt.There fore you will get a clean match from me Heart Attack.( Thinks for a moment) Unless you wish to start the trouble in it.(She smiles)

Atlantra: But do not get me wrong here. You will get a fight. and I will defeat you. I just won't hurt you.

She turns back to watching the sharks swimming in the waters.Then reaches down and pulls something up to look at it as the camera fades out.



Heart Attack is sitting by a pool in a one piece black bathing suit. Her hair is in a braid, hanging over one shoulder. Derrick is sitting next to her in a pair of black trunks and shades, smiling cockily at something off camera. H.A. grabs some suntan lotion, putting it on her hand and rubbing it on Derrick's back.

HA- Derrick, everyone's barred from ringside... I forget, does that include you?

Derrick- Yep, but it doesn't matter to you. Because YOU'RE not the one who needs the outside help to win. You white-gloved her last time... and I see a repeat performance tonight!

HA- Well, I'll miss you! But I guess it's the only way me and Charlie Tuna are gonna settle this. Atlantra, that was a cheap and desperate thing you did! But that's allright! It means you were scared of me! I like that. Keep it on the up and up! If you run away... and I'll rip off Gold-Dust just this once...'No amount of clapping will bring you back from where I'll send you.' Hook... I have no idea what year!

H.A. jumps in the water and playfully pulls Derrick in. She tries to dunk him repeatedly, but he stands immovable, smiling and shaking his head. Suddenly, he grabs Heart Attack and throws her, screaming and laughing, under the water.

The camera fades.

Click here to go to Part VIII of this event.