WWF Superstars, July 26, 1997

KICKOUT!! Sting kicks Perfect off of him to the ropes, then kips up. Perfect comes charging back as Sting drops down to the mat. Perfect hurdles him, then puts on the brakes and turns back around...

Sting gets up and Perfect swings around behind him with a hammerlock. Sting ducks forward, ready to back out of it... so Perfect adjusts with a standing side headlock!

Sting pushes Perfect to the ropes, then drops his head for a backbody drop.... PERFECT HITS A SMALL PACKAGE!! The ref gets into position... STING ROLLS FOR A REVERSE... ONE... kickout!

Perfect gets up quickly over Sting... locks his head... DROP DDT!! Perfect rides down on top of him, grabbing the arm and wrenching it around again. He pulls Sting up by the arm... spins him around.. then hooks the other arm, back to back with Sting... BACKSLIDE!!!

JR: He may have him if he can drop down! Sting's fighting it....

Perfect drops to his knees and brings Sting's back to the mat... one... TWO.... THREE!!!

NO!!! Sting's legs were bent back far enough to touch the ropes! The ref sees and signals for the two count. Perfect gets up and questions the ref, then turns back to Sting. Sting and Perfect move in.. and Sting whips him HARD to the turnbuckles...

Sting dives in... STINGER SPLASH.... NOBODY HOME!!! The fans GASP! Sting comes backing out of the corner, hurt. Perfect hooks his head... NECKBREAKER!!! Perfect holds him back down on the canvas with an armlock again.

Perfect again yanks him up by the arm... and with Sting's free arm... he FOREARMS Perfect in the leg.

Pillman: That's the leg we... well... the leg we injured earlier in the year!

JR: That's right! Steve Austin's BOUNTY that he put on Perfect! I remember!!

Perfect leans forward, clutching at his leg as Sting gets over him... hooks Perfect's good leg and head... and hits THE PERFECT PLEX!!! He bridges... one... two...

KICKOUT!!! Perfect rolls over to his side as Sting gets up, putting the boots to Perfect's leg repeatedly. Perfect is in obvious pain. Sting pulls Perfect up with his 'good' arm... and hits the SCORPION DEATH DROP!! Then he quickly stands up... grabs Perfect's leg... and puts on the SCORPION DEATH LOCK!!! Perfect yells out in pain as Sting leans back.

JR: That leg must have never fully healed!! Sting's got the move on tight... in the middle of the ring!!

Perfect shakes his head... YES! The ref calls for the bell and Sting releases the hold. Sting leaps around, excited as Starr and Rude congratulate him in the ring.

JR: A BIG win for Sting!

S.B. Peterson and the Great Muta quietly leave. Perfect slides out of the ring, shaking off the effects on his leg and reassuring Madusa that he'll be fine.

Pillman: What a cheap way to win! Attacking a man's injury. I can sympathize with Mr.Perfect. My leg has never fully healed either.

JR: It's all a part of the game.

Heart Attack: Yeah, Roxanne is wrestling injured... and I imagine the Hitman isn't really 100% tonight.

JR: It's doubtful the LOD are at full capacity also. Lots of people have een hurt as of late, but that's all a part of it! From the way Sting was moving, I'd say HE'S not been feeling too great lately either.

Pillman: Could be worse. He could be the Blizzard!

JR: That's enough! Alright... standing by, we have some comments. Let's go to them now...


(JoBo and ZoBo are seen in the interview area)

ZoBo: 1-2-3 KID!! You have been silent as of late. I think you would be a perfect warm up for my JoBo. Accept the challenge, and you will feel JoBo's wrath!!

JoBo: KID!! Fight JoBo. JoBo beat you. JoBo Mirnyy Drive you. JoBo hurt you.


Stevie is seen walking the streets of Harlem, New York. It's late at night. In the distance a police siren is heard wailing away until it fades into the night. Stevie is dressed in black jeans and a leather jacket.

Stevie: You all saw that SUCKA, Booker T. on Raw, didn'tya? That fool can't win no matches, cause he's STINKS! He's a spineless piece of crap, an' he ain't no brutha of MINE!

Stevie continues to walk.

Stevie: I'mma tell you WHAT, fool! I accept your little Summerslam challenge. But I'ma HOUND you until then. You ain't MAKIN' it to Summerslam! I'ma knock your boneless ass right outta federation before then. I got WHAT?! (makes a motion as if to look at his watch) FOUR WEEKS? Man, you gonna be OUTTA HERE! Yo been wreckin' up my career, and now I'ma END yours! Can YA DIG IT?! SUCKA!?

The camera fades out.

JR: What I'D like to know is why he thinks Booker has been wrecking up his career! HE'S the one interfering in matches!

Pillman: Are you CRAZY!? Stevie has been an upstanding member of the WWF! Booker is out making alliances with Slick, and going all soft. He's like a giant twinkie now. Soft on the outside... soft on the INSIDE! I agree with Stevie. Booker won't even MAKE it to Summerslam!

Heart Attack: Not if Stevie keeps up what he's doing! How can you WRESTLE under those conditions? It's not fair!

Pillman: What's not fair is somebody can lace up their wrestling boots and call themselves a wrestler! Terry Taylor fits that mold. It's also not fair that Jim Cornette can dress up like he does and is allowed out in public! Some of those suits could give a person epyleptic FITS!

JR: Standing by is Dok Hendriks. And I think you two should listen to this...

Heart Attack and Pillman look to the monitors as the video wall comes on.

Click here to go to Part IV of this event