WWF Superstars, July 26, 1997


A brightly lit cooridor is shown ... doctors and nurses rush past the picture, going about their business. The camera pans to the left, where Dok Hendrix is checking on his watch.

Dok: C'MON ... they were supposed to be here by now! I don't have the entire day! We've got this GREAT hiding spot ... right near the security area! They BETTER be here!

Man: We don't have all day either, Dok. Calm down, they'll be here.

Second Man: Hey! Look here!

The camera pans towards a security monitor. The camera zooms in on the screen, and picks up Sting and Starr Blaze talking to a desk nurse! The nurse points up the hall, and Sting and Starr nod and walk in that direction. The camera moves to another screen, where Sting and Starr are seen waiting on an elevator ... then entering it.

Dok: YES! OK! Man your positions! We're gonna get it right from the horse's mouth this time!

The camera zooms down the hall, where an elevator is located at the end. The doors open ... but nobody comes out! The camera zooms in closer, and picks up Sting and Starr inside ... wrapped together in an embrace! Sting notices the open door, and quickly reaches for the control panel ... CLOSING the doors!

Dok: Aww ... JEEZ!! C'mon!!

Dok mutters under his breath and checks his watch again.

Dok: *grumble* That's the last time I trust Okerlund's timing ... *mutter*

The doors open once more on the elevator, as Sting and Starr make their way out. They near the hiding place of the camera crew, and the camera moves back. Starr stops at a door and knocks, as Sting stares up the hallway towards the hiding place ... but then shakes his head and turns to Starr. Starr opens the door, and the 2 go inside.

Dok: OK!

Dok turns to face the camera.

Dok: Helllllllo, WWF fans! Handsome Dok Hendrix here, coming to you from Memorial Hospital in Denver. Right behind that door there, WWF Superstar Flash Funk is currently undergoing physical therapy for the injuries he suffered about a month and a half ago.

Dok: Sting and Starr Blaze, *ahem* fresh off a romp in the elevator ... have gone inside to see him! NOW ... coming up in a few weeks, I have landed an EXCLUSIVE interview with Flash Funk's doctor, so we'll find out just how Flash is recovering from his injuries from the man who would know best!

Dok: We're still trying to get word from Flash himself on how he's progressing, but he's not saying a THING to anybody! I DO know, however, that Flash was released from the hospital not shortly after our last visit here. He's been coming here 4 times a week to undergo physical therapy, which like I mentioned, is what he's doing now.

Dok: HOPEFULLY his doctor can shed some light on Flash's current situation, and when we might see Flash back in the ring again ... if at ALL! Now according to my watch ...

Dok checks the time.

Dok: Flash's appointment was an hour and a half ago, so his session must be drawing to a close! As soon as he's finished, we'll try to get word with -

As Dok talks, the camera pans back up the hallway, where workers are gathered around the elevator. 2 men converse together, one nods, and the other places an "OUT OF ORDER" sign on the floor just in front of the doors.

As the camera pans back to Dok, a door opens and Sting and Starr step outside. They talk together, and the camera moves from them to Dok ... who's STILL talking ... then back to Sting and Starr. Dok catches the hint and turns, seeing the 2 outside. The camera crew rushes in their direction. Sting: I can't believe he'd want to go to -

Sting and Starr see Dok charging towards them and glare at him.

Dok: STING! STARR! Dok Hendrix here! We know you were just in to see Flash ... how is he doing?

Sting: Dok, can't you give the guy some privacy?!

Dok: I just want to know how he's doing!

Sting and Dok continue to argue, as the camera pans back to the elevator. A young boy slurps the last of his drink and DUMPS the ice on the floor! A resident walks by, reading his charts, and SLIPS on the ice ... sliding across the floor and knocking the Out of Order sign down the hall!

The camera crew bursts out laughing, as Sting and Starr give them dirty looks.

Dok: You said something about somebody wanting to go ... somewhere! Who do you mean? Flash?! Where does he want to go?

Starr sighs and Sting looks sharply down at Dok ... then points behind him!

Sting: FLASH! HEY!

Dok: WHAT?!

The camera whips around ... and sees nothing!

Dok: There's nobody -

The camera pans back towards Sting and Starr ... who have rushed back up the hallway!

Dok: AHHHH! C'mon, don't let them leave!

The crew charges up the hallway, trying to catch up with Sting and Starr, who are nearing the elevator!

Man: STARR! STINGER! You can't use that! It's OUT OF ORDER!

Sting and Starr laugh.

Starr: Yeah, we'll really fall for THAT!

Sting and Starr reach the elevator ... as a security guard steps out and blocks Dok and company's path!

Guard: Just slow down here, buddy!

Dok: BUT -

Guard: No buts ... unless you want a nice 5 hour detainment to think about how you should WALK in a hospital.

Dok: NO, SIR!

The camera moves back to Sting and Starr ... Sting reaches out and pushes the button to call for the elevator!

Man: If they get on ... they're TOAST!

Guard: Are you listening to me?!

Just then, a kindly old Maintenance Man walks up to Sting and Starr.

Old Man: Sorry, kids ... she's shut down. I'm afraid all you could do is just stand there with the doors closed!

Sting and Starr look at each other ...


The two enter the elevator, and the doors close! The old man scratches his head and walks off.

Man: C'MON! They're in the elevator! We can still get them!

The crew charges ahead, but the guard reaches out and grabs them!

Guard: What did I tell you?! That's it! Let's go! You're outta here!

The guard grabs Dok by the back of the jacket and starts pulling him down the hallway.

Dok: ACK! Uh ... SHUT THAT OFF!!

The camera cuts to black.

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