WWF Superstars, July 26, 1997

KICKOUT!! The fans explode!!! Bradshaw 'GROWLS' at Bundy, who tells him to back off! Bradshaw throws Muta to the ropes and charges in with his Lariat....Muta hooks the top rope... and slides to the outside to take a breather.

Peterson offers some advice to Muta in Japanese outside the ring as Yokozuna returns from chasing Cornette away.

JR: Big advantage S.B. has by speaking Japanese! I'm pretty sure Bradshaw doesn't know what he's planning.

Pillman: Might as well speak ENGLISH when you're facing Bradshaw!

The ref's count gets dangerously close to ten, giving Muta the most rest possible. He slides back into the ring... but Bradshaw is waiting on him.... LARIAT!!!! Muta is knocked back to the ropes... and OVER THEM!!!

Bradshaw turns around, yelling out at the fans.... MUTA HOLDS ON!!! He pulls himself back into the ring over the top rope... and comes up behind an unsuspecting Bradshaw.... SLEEPER HOLD!!! THE FANS GO CRAZY!!!

JR: Bradshaw's paying the price for being SLOPPY!

Pillman: Check to see if it's a CHOKE!!

Heart Attack: Bundy knows what to do!

Bradshaw starts to double forward... but reaches back between his own legs... grabs one of Muta's... and SINGLE LEG PICK UPS him down! Bradshaw turns...and Muta kips back up to his feet... INTO A POWERSLAM!!!

JR: WOW! That had to hurt... just the weight differential!!!

Bradshaw holds him down for the lateral press... one... two... KICKOUT!! MUTA WON'T GIVE IN!! Bradshaw nearly SNAPS! He grabs Muta around the throat... and begins choking the life out of him! Bundy starts a count on Bradshaw... trying to get him to break it! Bradshaw let's up, not wanting the disqualification.

He presses down on Muta, holding him on the mat and covering him... and Bundy moves in for the count again.... ONE... TWO... THREE!!! Bradshaw pops up and angrily storms off with his arms raised over his head.

Pillman: There should be a NEW rule added to the WWF!

JR: That you can't go for a pinfall after doing so many illegal things?

Pillman: NO! That if a winner is going to raise their arms invictory... that it becomes mandatory that they use Right Guard on their armpits! WHEW!

JR: More useless words from Brian Pillman! Folks, Muta was ROBBED! He had the win... but James E. Cornette strikes again!

Pillman: Just LET HIM cost one of the New Revolution a match... and it will be the END of him! I've got nothing against Vader or Demoliton... nothing serious anyway... but Cornette... I just plain can't STAND any more!

JR: I'm sure he's made an enemy out of S.B. Peterson here tonight... and especially the Great Muta!

Heart Attack: Cornette is going to make TOO MANY enemies! And that will be his end.

Pillman: It was the end of Taylor Tech. Well, making an enemy of Sabrina Savage will be their end.

JR: And Cornette made enemies of your friends... Raven and VVS, who are standing by in the back....


Camera fades back to the Lockerroom where Joey Styles is standing by with Raven, Zeus and Valetia Von Strahden.

Joey: Hello everyone. I am here with 3 of the toughest, most Extreme wrestlers on the market today: Raven, Valetia Von Strahden and Zeus...

Raven: Joey you better just sit tight because I have some stuff to talk about. First of all, that big tub of stinking lard Vader. You wimp! You never accepted my challenge for a stretcher match so I will have to take it our of your hide somewhere down the line. Next I have an offer to make to several Wrestlers/Managers. Those Wrestlers/Managers are as follows: Sabrina Savage, Brian F'N Pillman, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Badd Boy Derrick Stardom, Legion of Death, Corey Major, Heart Attack and Wild Chylde Dibiase. We are the top athletes in the WWF. So I ask you all to join forces and together we can rule the WWF, from now until forever. The stable name? Put simply: the Great Forces. We will watch each other's backs and make sure that no harm comes upon each other. And members of the Great Forces have this Great announcer to do their interviews. So what do you all say? It's in your court now.

Valetia Von Strahden: Atlantra, Gold-dust, River Wyld, Womankind. Those 4 Ladies have been spurs in my side since In Your House. Well Ladies I will put it like this I want to run the gauntlet this Monday Night. I will face you 4 ladies, and I use that term loosely because it really doesn't apply, in any order you want. Win or Lose I still face the next lady. I will survive and I will prove how tough I really am.

Joey: Any words from you Zeus?

Zeus: Yeah! The Great Forces are gonna rule the WWF and there's nothing anyone can do to prevent it.

Raven: So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven...NEVERMORE!

Joey: Let's get back up to ringside.

JR: Well... Pillman... Heart Attack... what about THAT?


Heart Attack: Corey won't go for that! Not after what they pulled on Roxanne! Me neither for that matter!

Pillman: Who cares about Roxanne. But Raven... forget the LOD! They were nothing but trouble before... and they're nothing but trouble now.

JR: Would you team up with him? Would you make a stable?

Pillman: Sabrina gets to make the decision. Talk to her next week.

Heart Attack: Where Derrick goes... I go!

JR: And the GAUNTLET challenge!

Pillman: The Femme Fatales won't have the GUTS to accept that! Womankind is out hurt already... Atlantra is in the mating season and is too busy finding a mate... River Wyld hasn't been around for a while because she actually locked herself IN her car and can't get out, and Gold-Dust would be too scared to get back in the ring again with VVS after the beating she took last week.

JR: Well... I'm sure they'll answer the challenge... either accepting it or not soon. And maybe THEN the match will be signed! Now if you'll excuse me... I've got an interview...

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