RESULTS: Monday Night Raw July 28, 1997
Gold Dust's music starts playing over the PA. The lights dim and a gold tint is seen all over the Arena. Small gold glitter falls from the ceiling. Gold Dust steps out from the curtain, she is wearing her regular attire. She taunts a few fans along the way to the ring. She steps in and brings a microphone from her jumpsuit.
Gold Dust: HAHAHAHAHA!!! I have SO much to talk about, So all of you LOW class people, sit down, and SHUT UP! Cause I got ALOT to tell you!
The Crowd BOOS!
Gold Dust: Ha Ha! First, VVS. Valetia, I laugh in your general direction! You think you can take on ALL of the Femme Fatales? That just shows how STUPID you are! I kicked your tail when we met in the ring before! You KNEW you were going to lose, so you got yourself disqualified! VVS, you truly are PATHETIC! "If you feel the urge to be beaten...keep talking." The Listed..1983.
Gold Dust takes a puff of her cigar.
Gold Dust: Next on the agenda, Ted Dibase. Now Teddy, I know you want revenge on your WILD daughter. And me and you BOTH know I want it too! SO, you said to name my price. I like that. Then you said you'd double it! I REALLY like that! So the Femmes offically ACCEPT!! So that means that all of you fans out there can prepare to see your little favorites get their carcasses KICKED!
She gives an evil glare out to the crowd.
Gold Dust: And LAST, But NOT least...Venus Victrix. Venus, You think I'm done with you yet?! In Your House, you got LUCKY! I want ANOTHER Match. This time, pinfalls count anywhere, no DQ, No holds barred, DOG COLLAR match! So that means, ALL rules OUT THE WINDOW! So NOW we can even up the score. And to the FANS. I can't WAIT until Summerslam, to beat EACH and EVERY one of your little hero's!
She drops the mic, Gold Dust climbs out of the ring and taunts the fans as she walks out of view.
Pillman: Did she say 'carcass kicked'? She forgot to add... Derrick Stardom... every year!
JR: Gold-Dust had a LOT to say! A big challenge for Venus Victrix! It's possible those two could meet in the finals of the Queen of the Ring tournament this coming Sunday! But for Gold-Dust to get there, she'd have to get past Wild Chylde DiBiase, the current queen... and then the winner of the Starr Blaze/Susannah Helmsley match.
Heart Attack: Looks like they want Ted's money. GOOD! It'll be fun watching them NOT get paid at Summerslam!
The opening chords to Terrible Lie begin to play as the crowd is silent. Slowly walking down to the ring is none other than Trent Reznor!!! He slides into the ring and pulls out a microphone.
Trent: Hello everyone!
The song gets to the words...
Trent: Why are you doing this to me? Am I not living up to what I'm supposed to be? Why am I seething with this animosity? I think you owe me a great big apology. Terrible Lie! Terrible Lie! Let's bring out the Terrible Lyers shall we? C'mon out Raven and Valetia Von Strahden...
Raven and VVS slowly walk out and step into the ring. Raven gets right up into Trent's face.
Trent: Whoa now hold up there Mr. Raven, hold up. Now I've just got something to get off my chest. You two punks said that I would get to come back as soon as my injuries healed up. Well they're been healed for awhile yet you two haven't sent for me.
Raven: We don't need you...
Trent knocks him down with the microphone. Raven pops back up but stays back.
Trent: I think you DO need me. But you can't have me!
Trent jumps on Raven and just starts punching away. Valetia tries to pull him off but Raven has already started bleeding from the forehead. Trent jumps off Raven and shoves Valetia down to the mat and says these final words.
Trent: Where you go, I'll be.
Trent then walks off and shortly afterward so do Raven and VVS.
JR: Alright Brian... what was THAT all about?
JR: Ingrateful? They told him they didn't NEED HIM!
Pillman: Raven defended Trent when he was out! Remember him wasting the Corporate Can Opener a few weeks back... 'That was for TRENT' he said! Rezner can go back to making music. He ain't a wrestler!
JR: He was throwing some good rights and lefts there! He might be able to take Raven in a fight!
Pillman: Did you just call Raven PATHETIC?! JR, I can't believe you! After all his time trying to earn respect... he's obviously failed at EARNING YOURS!!! That HURT, Ross!! HAHAHAH!!!
JR: (grimmaces) Alright... that's enough.
Pillman: You'll be given a brief reprieve from my intimidating wisdom, for you see... I have a 'match' to attend. I have half a mind to just sit here and watch Stone Cold beat BOTH members of Taylor Tech. I'll be back!
JR: No hurry!
Pillman gets up and heads to the back.
JR: Up next... it's Taylor Tech's Team against Sabrina's team. Taylor claims that Sabrina forced him to live in her shadow, and that he never received any respect. In a fit of anger... or more likely, a well orchaestrated attack, Taylor Tech decimated their working agreement with Sabrina Savage.
Heart Attack: Don't forget, he wanted to 'make-up'!
JR: That's right... but Sabrina is nobody's fool. She accepted the war... and is ready to win it! The World Champion is standing by... with his partner, the Stone Cold King... TV Champion Steve Austin!