The match resumes and Bret has taken control during the break. He gouges Austin and Sabrina jumps in and warns the Hitman. Austin backs up, holding his face, and temporarily blinded.
From the back... THE GIANT AND TODD HEAD DOWN THE AISLE!! They have their eyes set on the Anvil and Pillman....
Hart rakes Austin's face again... as Hawk comes around the ring toward Pillman.... and starts making some noise. Animal sneaks up behind Pillman... and prepares to attack... but Gilbert warns Pillman, who turns at the last second... and cracks Animal with THE CRUTCH!!!
As the match goes back and forth in the ring, Todd and the Giant reach ringside... and Neidhart and Pillman. The Human Phenomenon begins to make his way down through the crowd toward the ringside area.
The Giant axehandles Neidhart who tries to hold his own... but cannot. Todd pulls out a KEY from his leather jacket and looks to the Giant.
Todd: I hope you know what your doing, Big Guy!
Neidhart begins to shake off the effects of the shot... and Pillman adds in... a THRUST TO THE THROAT WITH THE CRUTCH! Neidhart drops down, coughing and in pain! Todd puts the key into the hand-cuffs... IT'S OPEN!!!
Gilbert: Handcuff the Anvil to the ringpost!!!
As they lock the Anvil to the ringpost, the action in the ropes continues. Austin and the Hitman brawl all around the ring as THP leaps over the barrier and charges the Giant... FLASH KICK!!! NO EFFECT!!! The Giant just looks down at him, shaking his head.
The Road Warriors jump on the Giant and assault him. Neidhart is yelling for his black bag that he brought down. Brian Pillman swings his crutch and nails Animal... but eats a clothesline from Hawk. Sabrina warns the wrestlers outside the ring, as Austin takes advantage, using punches and kicks on Bret.
Sabrina: Knock if OFF out there! (she turns back to the ring.)
The LOD back away. The Giant does, too. In the ring... Austin is going for... THE STONE COLD STUNNER! He wraps his arms around the Hitman's head... and Bret brings up a leg and plants it in to Austin's back, using it to block the move. Austin tries again... NO!
The Hitman frees himself.... UPPERCUT. Austin takes him down with a drop toe hold. Outside the ring, Hawk and THP blocks Pillman from getting the bag. Animal takes the bag and comes over to the Anvil, still handcuffed to the ringpost. Hawk and THP keep Pillman back.
Neidhart pulls from the bag... a HACKSAW!! He cuts the handcuffs off! Sabrina looks outside the ring. Pillman is standing with one hand behind his back... and pointing to the Anvil who has a half of pair of handcuffs on.
Pillman: They cut the handcuffs off! It's all some kind of ploy!
Sabrina: (to the officials) Let's get a new pair of handcuffs out here!
Atlantra: Sabrina has too many things to worry about!
Austin chokes the Hitman and gets up to stomp Bret. The Hitman dives forward and tackles Austin to the mat and they begin to roll around the canvas, bashing each other in the head with clenched fists!!!!!
Rene Goulet brings down another pair of hand-cuffs and Sabrina locks Pillman and the Anvil back together again. Todd looks up at the Giant and shows him the key.
Todd: What's the chances of it working on THIS pair?
The Publican gets up from the table and starts to sneak around. He puts his hand on Todd's shoulder as he passes, as if to hold him back. Sabrina rolls back into the ring to see that the Hitman has an armwringer on Stone Cold. She gets into position to check.
The Publican sneaks up behind the Anvil.... AND WHACKS HIM WITH THE METAL BRIEFCASE! The Road Warriors truck around one side of the ring... THP comes at the other side....
The Publican opens up the briefcase... and pulls out BOLT CUTTERS! He cuts the hand-cuffs in half! Pillman laughs as the Anvil staggers back up to his feet. Animal swings at the Publican.... who blocks with the briefcase! He then SWINGS the case and it NAILS Animal on top of the head!!!! Animal drops like a rock! HE'S OUT!!! Pillman trips up Hawk and THP with his crutch!
In the ring, Bret flips Austin over on the mat.... and WRAPS ON THE SHARPSHOOTER! RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF THE RING!
Gilbert: SABRINA! SABRINA! They cut them loose again!
Sabrina turns to see the outside. Austin's head is shaking YES! YES! YES! Sabrina points down to Neidhart, and is talking with Gilbert, trying to decide what to do next! Pillman slides into the ring behind Bret.... he has his crutch.... THWACK!!! The Hitman goes down!!! Pillman rolls out the other side!!
Austin and Hart are both down in the center of the ring. Sabrina is on the outside. The Anvil is battered, lying on the ground. The Publican stands nearby, looking innocent. Sabrina looks around angrily. Austin gets up to his feet and sees no referee....
Austin: Savage... get in here! Pay attention to what Stone Cold is going to do!
Austin sets up Bret for the Stone Cold Stunner......
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