The match resumes on NBC... with the Bulldog... PILEDRIVING STEVIE RAY!!! The Bulldog pulls up Ray... PUNCH TO THE FACE! Owen tags in as Ray stumbles on his feet.
Owen goes to the top rope.... FLYING CLOTHESLINE... NO! RAY CATCHES HIM... BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX! Ray covers...
The ref dives down.. 1... kickout!
They battle up to their feet. Owen jumps up... INSUGORI KICK!!! Ray is stunned! Owen whips him to the ropes.... he waits.... TILT A WHIRL.... BUT HE OVERCOMPENSATES! Ray lands on his FEET!!! HE RUNS FORWARD... CLOTHESLINING OWEN OVER THE TOP ROPE IN FRONT OF THE EMPIRE!!!!
Owen crashes down and looks up and sees Gilbert and Power and Glory! He pulls him self quickly back into the ring before he can catch his breath.... INTO A STEVIE RAY CLOTHESLINE!!!! Ray covers quickly... 1.....
The Bulldog charges in....
TOO LATE...3......!!!!!!!!!!!
Winners, by pinfall: Harlem Heat
The Heat rush out of the ring as quick as they can. Clarence Mason gets into the ring to complain about the Empire's prescense... but the referee doesn't listen. He just jumps out of the ring. Clarence, the Bulldog and Owen look confused at first... then remember the Tar and Feather machine! They look up..... AND ARE COVERED IN A BLACK STICKY LIQUID!!!!
The fans and the Empire laugh and point. You can just make out the shocked looks on the faces of the three! Then..... THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF FEATHERS DROP DOWN FROM THE MACHINE... STICKING TO OWEN, THE BULLDOG AND CLARENCE!!!! They can only stand there in shock for a few moments... then they start kicking at the ropes, in anger!
The Heat's music plays and they grab their belts and leave!
Emperor: THAT'S what they get for putting their hands on ME! Now it's time.... the Road Warriors! GET READY!!!! Is it HOT in here... or is it just the EMPIRE!!!!!
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