----------------------------------------------------- PART TWELVE
Footage is shown of Austin and Pillman laying into Heart Attack with the wooden crutch and hurting her. The scene switches to show Stardom trashing the Emperor... and then Austin and Pillman diving into the ring to attack him. The Harts are shown rushing to help.
Then the Aerial Assault Match is shown... with Austin giving the Stone Cold Stunner to Stardom outside on the mats. Pillman leaps off of the top with a ball bat from Todd... and knocks Stardom silly... and hands him a cheap loss.
Stardom is then shown live, dressed in a black tuxedo jacket, long black tights and a sequinned bow tie with white gloves and his shades.
Stardom: There you see what brought us to this point. First they attack the HOTTEST piece of female real estate in the galaxy... HEART ATTACK.... and put her on the shelf.... then they knock BBDS out of commission for a few days.
Stardom: Besides the fact that Heart Attack is with ME now... I now know what Mr. Perfect felt like these past few weeks. Because this time it was ME who was sitting home... watching Raw and TNT, rather then being there LIVE to kick carcass on Pillman and Austin. It was eating me up!
Stardom: Pillman... on Superstars, the only thing you proved is that you and Austin are a better TAG TEAM then I am! And that's FINE with me! I've single-handedly defeated a tag team once before... and I'll do so again, if NEED BE!
Stardom raises his shades up from his face and puts them on top of his head.
Stardom: Austin... tonight... I'll do just that I'm sure! Because I KNOW that you'll bring that frizzy haired rodent with you... and maybe Brian Pillman, too. Well, Sabrina... take a look at what's waiting for YOU at ringside! No it's NOT the police... but you'll wish it WERE. I'm talking about... HEART ATTACK!!
Heart Attack struts into view, wearing a black mini-dress under a leather jacket. She wraps her arms around Derrick and smiles at him. She then lets go and gets a serious look at the camera, as though she were staring into Sabrina's own eyes!
Heart Attack: Ms. Savage.... SORRY..... SNAKE!... this little act you've got going isn't fooling ANYONE! Especially not me! Keep your sad, Savage ass out of this match... or kiss it goodbye!
Derrick: And Sabrina... Heart Attack has even MORE of a reason then Roxanne did... to knock you ALL AROUND ROCHESTER and straight up into ORBIT! So DON'T get out of line! And Pillman... I wouldn't get too brazen EITHER if I were you...(shudders at the thought) because H.A. here may just take that crutch and give you splinters right down your THROAT with it!
Heart Attack: You little GREMLIN! If I get the chance, I won't stop with shovin' it down your throat... if you catch my drift!
Derrick: STONE COLD! Bring your bald little bean to the ring and prepare for it to be squished by the CELESTIAL HEAVENS rolled into a primordial package called the STARFALL! I'm going all the way through the King of the Ring... and lookin' OH-SO-FLY in the DOIN' SO!!! H.A.... GIVE IT A TRY!!!
Heart Attack: LIGHTS OUT!
The lights CLICK OFF like a switch, leaving the silouhetted shapes of Stardom and Heart Attack against a velvety backdrop of stars.
Derrick: The pleasure... was all YOURS!