----------------------------------------------------- PART THREE

Flash Funk
w/Slick & the Funkettes
Chaotic Corey Major
w/Bret Hart

The Match:
The lights in the arena dim down, as Flash's music starts up! Flash comes through the curtains with the Funkettes and Slick, dancing in time to the music as he goes! The lights in the arena flash along with the music, as Flash and company make their way up to the ring. The dancing continues, as Flash removes his coat and hat and readies himself for the match. Slick dances around at ringside, then holds his hands toward Flash, bragging toward the camera about his protege.

'Rock n Roll Over' by Tripwire begins to play. The fans rise up and start chanting CHAOS! CHAOS! CHAOS! Spotlights swirl about, but know enough to not converge on the entryway. Rather, they swing up to the second level where Corey... ISN'T!

JR: NOW what is this youth up to? Hopefully he's alright!

The fans look around with wide eyes and smiles, eager to be the first to spot him. A scream from a group of teenaged girls goes up... and the spotlights follow the sounds.... and find Corey Major! He's perched on the THIRD level, as high up as possible! He pulls up a HAND-GLIDER with a Tripwire logo on it.... and he LEAPS....!!!

JR: OH MY!!!!! HE'S CRAZY!!!

Corey soars down from the ceiling, zipping high over the cheering fans. He pulls up slightly... and glides into the center of the ring, gently setting down. Corey drops the handglider out of the ring and looks around at his fans. The girls are screaming for him with out-stretched arms...

Corey leaps out of the ring and leans over the railing toward a group of girls in their early 20's wearing C-MAJOR t-shirts. They hug him and almost pull him over the railing. With a smile he pulls away, nearly getting disrobed in the process. He slides into the ring, with a big smile on his face.

Bret Hart comes down the aisle wearing street clothes and sunglasses. He shakes Slicks hand and then stands in Corey's corner. Major sees his trainer, and gives him the thumbs up.

Flash extends his hand to Corey... and they shake.

Corey: Good luck, dude.

The bell sounds! Flash leaps up blazingly and tags Corey on the shoulder with a dropkick, knocking him down. Corey recovers on the mat... and grabs a hold of Flash's arm...

Funk kips up, bringing Major up with him... then Flash FOREARMS him, stumbling him back.... then drop toeholds him, forcing him FORWARD! Flash bounces off the ropes and drops a punch on Corey.

The Hitman yells in some advice to Corey... who is sent for the ride. Flash leaps up and spins for a kick... COREY DUCKS UNDER IT!!! Flash soars high over Major and comes down in the ring on his back.

Corey leaps on him, spinning him to his stomach, and reaching back to wrench the leg, slowing the pace down.

JR: This is one of those odd matches for Corey where a SLOWER pace works to his advantage! Not many people can SOAR like Flash... but on the flip side, not many people can mat-wrestle like Corey!

Major releases the leglock and wrenches on an armbar, yanking Flash to his feet. Corey nods to Bret as if he's on his gameplan. Flash begins to spin back out of the armbar, turning to face Corey. Major hooks the leg.... and the head.... INSIDE CRADLE!!! The ref drops down... 1.... FLASH KICKS COREY OFF!

Both wrestlers scramble to their feet. Corey runs at Flash, arm out-stretched... SLEEPER HOLD!!! Funk drops down from it and tucks and rolls forward. Flash leaps up at Corey... who catches Flash's arm and flings him hard to the ropes...

TILT-A-WHIRL SLAM!!! Bret cheers Corey on!!! But Corey doesn't go for the cover! He grabs both of Flash's legs... and turns him around, looking to slingshot him to the corner....

Flash kicks him off... kips up... and ELBOWS Corey in the back! Major grabs a second elbow coming in, spins around... CHICKENWING! Funk doubles forward... and walks back out of the chickenwing, coming up with a FOREARM to the back of the head!

Corey doubles forward and backs out of Funk... coming up behind him... FULL NELSON!!! Corey wrenches it on...

Flash drops straight down... then throws two fists up at Major, catching him in the chin! Major falls back, and Flash pounces on him, looking for a reverse chinlock....

Major sits out, and does a go-behind pulling out an armlock that he yanks Flash down to prone with.


Corey wrenches on the armlock, and Flash spins around on the mat, trying to escape. Corey rides him, keeping him down, adjusting into a hammerlock. Flash spins back the other way... and ESCAPES!!! He kips up... Corey kips up! Flash leaps... DOUBLE KICK to the head!!! Both wrestlers go down!!!

JR: WHAT a MOVE! Out of nowhere, Flash can hit you with high-energy moves like nobody else can! We'll be right back after these words!!!