RESULTS: Monday Night Raw Feb. 24,
The World Wrestling Federation.... for over THREE years, the symbol of excellence in sports entertainment.
(The camera opens up on the center of the ring. The Giant is here with a mic.)
"I've watched your back! Now I want to talk to you! I wanna settle this! Face me! Man to Man! I never tried to jump you! PERFECT!!!!!"
(Mr. Perfect comes down the aisle. He keeps his eyes straight on the Giant as he walks up the aisle. Fans reach out for him to slap hands, but Mr.Perfect is too focused on the Giant to notice them. He gets up onto the apron and pauses. The Giant stands in the middle of the ring. Perfect quickly steps between the ropes, then walks up to the Giant face to face.)
Giant: I said know one would touch you and I meant it...I even stopped an attack backstage...just to help you....
Perfect: I don't NEED your help, Giant! I'm Mr.Perfect... and Mr.Perfect doesn't NEED help.
Giant: I said know one would touch you and i meant it! (The Giant smiles at Mr.Perfect) That is... EXCEPT ME!!!!!!
The Giant snatches Perfect around the throat.... CHOKE SLAM!!!!! The Giant holds Perfect around the throat and lifts him up again.... CHOKE SLAM!!!!
The masked team, DOOM, runs down the aisle, carrying ball bats. Terry Taylor crawls from under the ring, dressed in an outfit similar to Hunter Hearst Helmsley's.
The Giant choke slams Perfect AGAIN!
Pillman: (at the table)This is IT! I can't believe it's the GIANT! This is GREAT! I'm going up for a closer look!
Pillman gets up from the table with his crutch.
Doom slam their bats on Mr.Perfect's back.... then Terry Taylor grabs Perfect..... AND PUTS HIM IN A PERFECT PLEX!!!
Taylor: Now THAT'S a Perfect Plex!
Doom continues to batter Perfect with the bats, this time on Perfect's leg! The Giant stomps Perfect's leg. Pillman holds up his crutch.
Pillman: He's gonna need THIS!
Pillman slams his crutch into Mr.Perfect's leg! They continuously beat on Perfect's leg as the opening credits roll.....
(Monday Night Raw Theme Plays.)
The camera comes back into the arena where the fans are livid! They are booing and throwing things down at the Giant, Taylor and Doom. The Giant has his arms spread wide, laughing at the fans. They are leaving.
Paramedics have come down to help Mr.Perfect out of the ring. Pillman is standing there, laughing. Stone Cold leaps out of the crowd and climbs up toward the ring. Seeing Perfect being helped out, he spits down at him and laughs.
Pillman: Stone Cold! This is a great day! You've awoken a sleeping Giant!
Stone Cold: (pointing to the Giant) Now that's a man that knows what he wants. He might be hanging out with new people now... but he TOOK what he wanted rather then just having it handed to him like I said I would do. Giant... the bounty is YOURS, son!
Pillman: That'll be the last we see of Perfect for a while! And I say good RIDDANCE! (taps his leg) Go ahead... make fun of MY leg now! I've got a LOT of comebacks! PERFECT comebacks! Hahahaha!
Stone Cold: At the Royal Rumble, Mr.Perfect found out first hand what Austin 3:16 is all about... and tonight, he just got some Revelations of GIANT proportions! David's sling came up empty against Goliath!
Pillman: Hahaha! And it's all because Stone Cold said so!!! Yeah! Let's go down to the announcer's here and get this crappy card started! We can Heart Attack complain about what just happened!