Flair spins Savage around from the collar/elbow tie-up and from behind... rakes Macho across his face! Flair hits a double-leg takedown and Macho finds himself on the mat! Flair pulls up Savage's hurt knee... and puts on a STEP-OVER TOE-HOLD!
Savage really screams out in pain now! He reaches back for the ropes... but can't reach! Flair spins it on hard... releases... then spins it on harder! Macho's face tells the tale! Flair has a look of determination and confidence. Savage looks up with sheer hatred! Flair lets go and lets the leg SLAM down as it drops! Flair measures... AND DROPS A KNEE DOWN ON THE LEG!!!
Macho rolls aside and pulls himself up, leaning against the ropes. Flair looms in. Savage, holding himself up... KICKS FLAIR IN THE STOMACH! Savage let's go of the ropes and holds onto Flair's head... SNAP MARE!!! Flair is spun almost all the way over, finding himself on his rump.
Savage catches his breath for a second. Flair gets to his feet. Macho runs in... DROPKICK!!!
JR: These guys are all-time greats! They've put many great years into this sport! What a showing tonight!
Howard: I hope I look that good when I'M 80, too!
Flair is down on his back! Savage goes to the corner... and he begins to climb up!
Macho perches himself on the top... dives off... BIG ELBOWDROP!!!! RIGHT ON TARGET! Savage looks around... THE FANS GO NUTS! Macho boots Flair in the chest. Flair twists his body around and hooks Macho's leg with his own legs... TAKEDOWN!
Macho holds Flair's leg against his own... and pulls himself back up... A HALF BOSTON CRAB!!!
JR: What a COUNTER! Who SAID Macho can't wrestle with the best of them?
Savage sits back with the half-Boston Crab, injuring Flair's lower back AND leg! The Nature Boy braces his hands on the mat and spins his body around and PUSHES! Savage is driven off... but Flair exerted a lot of energy to do that! The Nature Boy keeps coming, though! He rushes at Savage... DOUBLE AXEHANDLE! Macho is easily knocked to one knee! Flair axehandles him again! Macho drops down to the mat!
Flair pulls up Macho's leg... and begins to spin on the FIGURE FOUR!! He gets it halfway on.... and Savage leans up, in great pain... and RAKES Flair's back with his nails!!! Flair releases, yelling out in pain, holding his burning back. Flair turns around... and STOMPS on Savage's leg!
Now it's Macho's turn to yell out in anguish! Flair stomps again... but almost loses his balance from his own injuries! Savage finds the strength to stand and both he and Flair dive at each other.
Savage hits a chop to Flair's face... then boots him square in his own hurt leg! Flair drops like a rock! Macho spins around, wavingh is finger wearily in the air! The fans rumble up to an ovation.... as the Macho Man begins to go to the corner... and he starts to climb up to the top rope!
Savage... DIVES OFF... BIG ELBOWDROP!!!!! Flair's body buckles up in pain....Macho pops up! Flair isn't moving!!!! Savage looks around, pointing down at Flair! The referee checks.... AND RINGS THE BELL!!!!!
Howard: He proved YOU a liar!
The paramedics move in to pull Flair off onto the stretcher! Deion Sanders is shown on the camera.
Deion: You know something brother? That Randy Savage has it ALL! Ric Flair ain't nothing compared to the MACHO MAN! Whooo!!
Deion flashes his two world championship rings, then his Mega Powers t-shirt. He then gets up toward the ring. The Mega Powers come down the aisle to congratulate Savage as Flair is being carted off on a stretcher.
Savage motions for Jim Ross to get up to the ring with the mic. JR does. Savage takes the mic...
Savage: "Jim, I know I've been giving you a hard time this past few weeks and this is going to be hard so bare with me. I want to first of all apologize to you, from the bottom of my heart. Through the frustration for Flair and such, I lost sight of your job. Friends should let friends do their job without hassle. Second of all, I want to announce...HOW GOOOOOOOOD THAT FELT! OOOOOOHH YEAH! He is out of here and out of MY HAIR! Finally, I want to bring this up and then I'll leave everyone to the great World's title match later on tonight. You know, most people thought that last year at WrestleMania III, that Randy Savage would fall to the Corporation and inpaticular Hulk Hogan in the career match but I didn't. I won and I walked away to wrestle another day. Through out the past year, it's been that way. My age and physical shape couldn't hold on people would say. Well, that's all FINE AND GOOD but those fans who said that were just Fair Weather Fans so what I'm about to say doesn't go out to them. It goes out to that kid in the 5th row who saved his money up since the announcement of WrestleMania so he could get such a fine seat to watch the Macho Man battle the Nature Boy. He scraped and pinched and every Monday night, he would plop down on the TV and keep from switching over to Nitro when he saw the Macho Man come out. Well, to that kid and the millions like him around the world...THIS IS FOR YOU. I must declare my retirement from the World Wrestling Federation. My body is worn down and I am getting old. It's time for Randy Savage to find a nice desk somewhere in Titan Towers where ever Roddy Piper will have me and rest easy knowing that that kid out there believed in me."
Savage is visibly weeping now. Rowdy Roddy Piper comes up into the ring and gives Savage a handshake that turns into an embrace. Jim Ross shakes the Macho Man's hand with a big smile on his face.....
Savage: "The World Wrestling Federation has been so good to the MACHO MAN for the past years that I'll never be able to express my gratitude! The compition with Ric Rude and Hulk Hogan and Derrick Stardom and Ric Flair will last me years on top of years. SO, this one last 'ooohh yeah' goes out to those fans who foolishly believed in the Macho Man, and thank you by the way."
Everyone in the crowd waits patiently for Savage to choke down a few tears...