Womankind: The time has, like, come Roxanne...it is time for the demons inside you to dissapear...to leave your soul...then you will be, like, healthy again...you will be able to lead your rockaholics...and then, Roxanne, you will be free....have a nice day...
Dok: WELLLL, hello wrestling fans! Handsome Dok Hendriks here in the dressing room area with ROXANNE! Roxanne will be facing... in an EXORCISM MATCH... the derranged Womankind!
(Roxanne steps up to Dok. She's dressed and ready to fight! Roxanne high-fives Dok.)
Roxanne: Not as nervous this time are ya, Dok?
Dok: Oh... you just better believe I'm covering it up better this time! WRESTLEMANIA makes me nervous... I always get the butterflies! But speaking of butterflies... what about YOU!? This could be one of the biggest matches of your career!
Roxanne: Without a shadow of a doubt, this IS the biggest match of my career! I've had Finishing Maneuver Matches... and NO DQ matches... Royal Rumbles... and of course, World Title shots.... but NEVER an Exorcism Match! And with what's riding on this... with what the Rock-a-holics have asked of me.... this IS the biggest... THE biggest match of my LIFE!
Dok: Wellll, how do you PREPARE for an Exorcism Match?
Roxanne: Over the past few weeks, I've been watching closely wrestlers that are around this 'dark side'. I've wrestled Valetia Von Strahden and Vertigo, but I've also kept my moves crisp and fresh against such top athletes as Heart Attack and others.
Dok: What did you learn about the 'dark side?'
Roxanne: I've learned that it's a win at all costs situation! Even Valetia, who's set out on her own and garnered the fans' support has a win at all cost attitude! And that seems to be Womankind's way... WIN AT ALL COSTS! Well, Roxanne isn't like that, Dok. I'm out to win. But I'm out to win FAIR! I may go to the top rope, or springboard now and again... but let me tell you something... rules or no rules, I'm not using chairs, or other objects to gain an advantage. I've got to believe in my own ability! The Rock-a-holics are counting on me... and I don't LET THEM DOWN!
Dok: But what if the rumors are TRUE!? About the match!? What if something DOES happen! Womankind CAN drive people to the edge of insanity! Look at Wild Chylde! She's not been the same since! Can YOU avoid that same fate?
Roxanne: Dok, I'd like to think I can! But there's only ONE way to find out! Womankind... get ready...'CAUSE HERE I COME!!!!
The Match:
The ring announcer, Howard Finkel steps up into the ring to tell the WORLD what a sewer match is.the Fink: Ladies and Gentlemen.. it is now time for us all to find out... WHAT an EXORCISM MATCH IS! This bout has NO disqualifications... !!! It will be contested inside of an ENCLOSED steel cage!!!! And the only way to win is for the referee to declare one of the wrestlers... UNABLE to continue!!!
JR: Uh-oh! This match could be another career ending match! Especially if Roxanne is put back into the Figure Four!
Howard: You're kidding... and EXORCISM match? We need to get Ba-Ba-Booey in one of those! Maybe we can exorcise the spirits in his teeth!
The Fink then makes his announcements! The lights go completely out! Womankind and Sunny come down the aisle, guided only by a single spotlight. The cage is starting to lower from high above the Rosemont Horizon. Womankind steps into the ring and Sunny stays on the outside. Womankind awaits the introduction of Roxanne.
Howard: WHAT is SHE supposed to be? Look... she's got BALD spots!
JR: THAT'S Womankind! I warned you!
Howard: THAT'S Womankind? (sarcastically) Oh, she's MUCH better then I had dared to hope!
The fans stop booing the derranged Womankind... and turn their noise into a loud ovation for Roxanne! AC/DC's For Those About To Rock begins to blast through the speakers and Roxanne comes bursting through the curtains, fired up and ready to ROCK! She has a handful of t-shirts that she's chucking out to the screaming fans! Roxanne passes them all out, then runs along the runway, slapping hands.
One fan unfurls the t-shirt to show the words: I SURVIVED THE EXORCISM MATCH! She has saved two t-shirts and she drops them off to Howard and Jim Ross.
Howard: Now I like a good redhead! Who's that?
JR: That's Roxanne!
Howard: You mean like the Police Song?
JR: Well, now exactly.
Howard: That's too bad!
Roxanne rolls into the ring as the steel cage clamps down and closes them off!
The bell sounds...