RESULTS: Monday Night Raw Mar 17, 1997
The large video wall comes on. Jim Ross is there.
JR: Macho Man... you've got to get a hold of yourself! Now I'm a broadcast journalist... and entitled to my own opinions. Now you can consider me a friend and that's fine. I like you. But the only time you've contacted me is to get me INTO the Mega Powers. First of all... I want to know WHY you wanted me in there. And second of all, yes... I agree that losing your wife like that could drive ANY man to the brink of insanity. But Macho Man, while I feel for you, I can't help but think that Flair has played his cards right. He's gotten you a little upset... to say the least... and that's going to work FOR him... and against you. Now I've heard you backstage claiming that you're over the Elizabeth incident... but from what I've just heard here tonight... and what I've seen in recent weeks... that just isn't the case. Macho Man... friends or no friends, my prediction for WrestleMania stands. Flair's Figure Four is the right type of weapon for this match. I think Nature Boy Ric Flair will defeat Randy Savage in the Career Ending Stretcher Match. Thanks for your time, folks.
(A warm air has found it's way down through the sewers, causing a fog to dance just above the murky water. From the mist, the slender form of the leather-clad Dream appears. She crawls toward the camera, then crouches down in front of it.)
Dream: Valetia Von Strahden... it seems that your new allies have given you some bravery. You wish to turn the match INTO a Sewer match. Perhaps you are just conceding to the fact that regardless of WHAT kind of match we have, I was going to grab you by your white hair and drag you back down into the pits from whence you came and either make you one of us once more.... or annhilate you entirely!!!
(The Dream rises up to full height... and the camera follows.)
Dream: I accept your new stipulation. We will begin... and end our conflict here in the sewers. And you know yourself that NO ONE that has EVER entered these tunnels... has left the same! Womankind's WrestleMania opponent knows that... and she knows that during the Exorcism match, we will finally let that change become known! And if Roxanne can be so easily changed... then poor little vampire... what of YOU? Your powers are weakening! You have felt the surge of the Darkside dwindle within you. The Rebirth shall swallow you whole! The SEWERS shall swallow you whole! The NIGHTMARES of the DREAM shall swallow you whole! At WrestleMania IV... the SEWER match... I shall plunge you into these same waters here... and you will never again... REST IN PEACE! But you shall ROT... IN ETERNAL DAMNATION!!!!
(A three fingered hand wraps itself around the lens of the camera... and turns it so you can see Vertigo.)
Vertigo: (quietly, just above a whisper) Tyr, our new allies are your enemies. Not too good for you, Lady. We will help Phoenix put you back in your rightful place. Just as he will help us put VVS in hers. You are both... doomed... to crash and burn!
(She grins, spinning her umbrella so the symbol on the sash catches some unseen light, blinding the camera... then blackness ensues.)
(The Undertaker and Tyr walk in a graveyard. It's nighttime and there is a full harvest moon in the backround.)
Undertaker: There have been many things happening lately, Tyr...So many new enemies...and so many new friends.
Tyr: I see what you mean. I'm sorry I had to drag you into this...If I were never here the Phoenix wouldn't have come.
Undertaker: It was not your fault.
Tyr: Accept Vader's challenge, Undertaker. The Mega Powers and I will back you up against the Rebirth and the nWo.
Undertaker: Oh, I will accept. I accept with pride. I shall end this once and for all.
Tyr: I'll be watching your back...count on it. I'm sure VVS will do the same, being a Creature of the Night and all.
Undertaker: Yes...I know you will.
Tyr: I only hope it's enough...