WWF Superstars, Mar. 22, 1997


Hawk: One more step on the road to VICTORY!!! Owen and Bulldog you have no chance...

Animal: WE ARE IN A RAGE!!! Harlem Heat we are going kill you!!! Never before have we been so angry!!! Never before have we HATED someone soooooo much!!!

Hawk: You are the most cowardly punks in the WWF!!! You attack us with barbed wire!!! We are now allowed to use deadly force!!!

Animal: When we meet you at WrestleMania we be bringing some of our best friends.

Animal bring out a HUGE iron bar, at its end is a large concrete block. He swings it and bashes a hole into a wall as he screams.

Animal: Heat!!! You will not survive!!!

Hawk: Do not think for a second that I coming unarmed.

Hawk takes a long chain, the end of which is wrapped in barbed wire. He swings it a round his head and screams.

Hawk: This will be a match to end this feud. Who ever wins... LIVES!!!!

Animal: And Owen and Bulldog you are going to get hurt.

Hawk: You hang out with the likes of The Dream and Vertigo... You need to be taught a lesson.

Animal: What a ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush!!!

Owen Hart & the British Bulldog
w/Clarence Mason, Phoenix, Rubican and Vertigo
the Road Warriors

The Match:
The British Bulldog's music plays.... and out comes Owen, the Bulldog, Clarence... and members of the Rebirth... along with five rather large, samurai-like guards, wearing the gold, red and orange colors of the Rebirth. Owen and the Bulldog get into the ring.

The Phoenix talks to Mason.

Phoenix: Tell me if and when we should strike in the case they may lose.

Mason: I assure you, Mr. Phoenix, that they are capable of handeling themselves in the ring.

Phoenix: So I see. As you wish then...either way the Road Warriors are going to lose.

The chords of Iron Man play and the Arrowhead Pond Arena goes ballistic! The Road Warriors burst through, wearing their gauntlets and spike shoulder pads! They hit the ring, and look ready to clean house!! Hawk and Animal toss their pads and gauntlets to the outside. Animal steps out and Hawk begins against Owen Hart.

Hawk walks around Owen, then leans in and slaps him lightly across the face. Owen kicks... but Hawk moves back, walks around him... and slaps him again! Owen holds his face, stomping his foot. He does not see Hawk tag Animal.

Hawk continues to circle... and Owen charges at him... but gets nailed from behind by Animal with a shoulderblock! Hawk gets out as Animal stomps on the downed Owen.

The fans gasp as they look up in the air... it's STING! He's rapeling down from the rafters on a rope! He drops down behind... PHOENIX! Sting moves to Reverse DDT Phoenix... but Phoenix slips out and steps away. He turns to face Sting, and his eyes glow with anger! He holds his hands out... AND THE 5 SAMURAI ASSAULT STING! They bash him up the aisle and back through the curtains.

Pillman: Now what does STING have against the Rebirth? Is Sting joining the Mega Powers?

Phoenix turns to watch the match again, and soon, his samurai return. Animal is still pounding Owen in the ring with bodyslams and clotheslines... then... A PILEDRIVER!!!! Animal tags Hawk, who climbs up to the top rope! Animal blocks Owen to the mat again... Hawk leaps off... LEGDROP!

The crowd cheers as the LOD raise their arms over their head, looking out to the fans. Owen rolls out of the ring to catch his breath. Hawk turns around... and doesn't see Owen... until Hart rolls in on the side of the ring... runs at Hawk... and hits a KICK to the face! Owen does a tuck and roll and tags in his brother in law.

Bulldog and Hawk start pummeling each other with punches to the face and mid-section. Hawk scoops up the Bulldog...BODYSLAM! The Bulldog pops back up! Hawk leaps...DROP KICK! Hawk tags in Animal, who doesn't come in. Animal positions himself on the apron, pulling the Bulldog partially over the ropes...

Hawk stays in the ring, and lifts up the Bulldog by the feet! The Road Warriors lift the Bulldog up by the hands and feet... and DROP him down across the ropes! THE ROAD KILL!!! Animal comes in... Hawk leaves.... and they tag again!

Hawk goes up to the top rope... Animal lifts the Bulldog up on his shoulders.... Hawk leaps off...THE DOOMSDAY DEVICE!!!!

Hawk covers.... 1... 2....

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