Owen dives in and makes the SAVE! The referee gets up and puts him out. Hawk starts pummeling the Bulldog again with a double axehandle... then a DROP DDT! Hawk backs up against the ropes.... runs at the Bulldog... CLOTHESLINE! Hawk tags in Animal.
Animal dives at the Bulldog... BIG SHOULDERBLOCK! The Bulldog refuses to go down... but he looks hurt. Animal flexes his muscles for the fans... and the Bulldog cheap shots him with a punch to the back of the head. The Bulldog makes the exchange to Owen.
Owen enters by coming off the top rope... FLYING AXEHANDLE! Animal stumbles backwards. Owen hooks him... SIDE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Owen turns back to the corner... and climbs up to the top rope! He flies off for an ELBOW DROP...
NO ONE HOME! Animal rises up over Owen, pulls him up... into a POWESLAM!!! Animal tags Hawk back in... who goes to the top rope... FLYING ELBOWDROP TO THE FACE! Hawk covers... 1... 2... kickout!
Hawk stands up and walks over to the corner and tags Animal. Hawk climbs up on top. Animal comes in and lifts Owen up on his shoulders! Hawk dives off the top rope... DOOMSDAY DEVICE!!! The Bulldog comes in as Animal is covering Owen... the ref counts....
1... 2... The Bulldog STOMPS Animal, breaking the pin! The Bulldog then runs at Hawk and clotheslines him off the apron! The referee gets the Bulldog and tries to put him out.
Meanwhile, Animal bounces off the ropes... and LEG DROPS Owen then covers him!! The referee gets the Bulldog out... then dives into position for a count! 1... the Bulldog comes in... 2.... the Bulldog dives... 3.....!!!!!!!
Winners, by pinfall: the Road Warriors
The Bulldog starts bashing on Animal. Hawk comes back in!
Phoenix then grabs the mic....
Phoenix: Pathetic scum of the Mega Powers...FEEL MY WRATH!!!!
The Rebirth's samurai-like guards storm into the ring. Hawk and Animal start bashing them back. Phoenix climbs up into the ring as the Samurai charge at once. Hawk and Animal battle back. Hawk reaches out and grabs Phoenix by the throat... and CLOTHESLINES him from the ring!
The Road Warriors clean house, bashing all of the Samurai from the ring. The place is going crazy! The Rebirth rretreat up the aisle. Phoenix raises his arms... and red smokes covers the team. The smoke clears... and the Rebirth has disappeared!
IRON MAN plays over the speakers! The Road Warriors pose for the fans, who are chanting... LOD! LOD! LOD! LOD!
They continue to pump the fans up by celebrating after the match.
Pillman: Yeah! Big deal! Just wait... in 8 days there'll be a celebration... but it'll be Harlem Heat doin' it! Let's go to commercial... and I'll have the Heat!
Publican: I can't wait!
Hawk and Animal put back on their spiked shoulder pads and gauntlets and leave as their music continues to blast!
This week on Monday Night Raw: