Blizzard and Sunny are seen at home.
Sunny is wearing blue jeans and a sweat shirt.
Blizzard is wearing faded jeans and a grey sweater.
Blizzard has his arm around Sunny and is stroking her long blonde hair.
Blizzard is whispering to Sunny.
Blizzard then turns his attention to the camera.Blizzard : You knoe can wear all the damn make-up you's not gonna help you tonight when I kick your broken down body all over Anaheim
Sunny : Blizzard, I don't even know why we are even showing up for this one.
Blizzard : came into the WWF with alot of talk...but nearly everyone in the WWF has already pinned your shoulders down for the 1...2...3 or made you submitt
Sunny : What a loser you are!
Blizzard : And tonight THP I can write my name into your "Hall of Shame" as the #1000th person that beat the crap out of you.
Sunny : Blizzard, like I said, why are we bothering with this loser?
Blizzard : You can have that old goat Savage with you...or Mr.Cliche Bret Hart....or even that idiot Heenan....I have two things you don't have. One is of course this very very beautifull lady...or as she is known...Sunny.
Sunny : You are so sweet. (kisses Blizzard on cheek.)
Blizzard : And the second thing...the second thing is wrestling-ability. That's right you have lost alot more matches then I wrestled. Yet you won less then Fatu and Savio Vega.
Sunny : Fatu and Savio, in case you don'g realize it, that was an insult.
Blizzard : Now let's go over to ringside and watch a real man wrestle...and it ain't THP.
Sunny : The only real man is you, Blizzard. (put some type of look here.)
*Camera fades*
the Blizzard, Adrien Blades
w/Sunny & Womankind
the Human Phenomenon
w/Bobby Heenan, Randy Savage & Bret Hart
The Match:
'I KNOW YOU WANT ME' starts to play! Sunny comes through the curtains wearing a white fur coat over a blue halter top, short-shorts and white boots. She's dancing down the aisle as the Blizzard then comes through. The Blizzard looks longingly at Sunny, but turns and looks angrily at the fans...He sees a fan with a THP sign and puts the bad-mouth on him. Blizzard enters the ring and holds the ropes open for Sunny. Womankind follows them out, squealing and stalking around ringside.
THP is then introduced! He comes through listening to instructions from Bobby Heenan. The Hitman follows them out, clapping his hands and supporting THP. Following him... it's the Macho Man... with Jenny McCarthy on his arm! Savage takes her down to ringside and puts her down at a table. An attendant brings down champagne. Savage and Jenny enjoy each other's company and watch the match.
THP listens to the encouragement and instructions of Heenan and Hart. They leave and THP gets into his defensive stance. Sunny is still dancing around the ring... one of the camera men gets up onto the apron for a closer shot of Sunny.
Then, the video wall comes on! It shows Ric Flair!
Flait: SAVAGE! In just one short week, pal, your pathetic career comes to an end, courtesy of the great Ric Flair! So I'd suggest you enjoy being here at ringside while you can, cause after next week, you won't be around to do it! WHOOOOO! And one last thing, brother. Don't get mad at JR for picking me to win! He's thinking the EXACT SAME as the rest of the world! Savage you're HISTORY! WHOOOOOOO!
Macho seems calm as he lifts up a glass and toasts with Jenny McCarthy.
Sunny dances up to THP and gets close to him. Then, from no where... the Blizzard AXEHANDLES THP! Sunny runs from the ring, laughing. Blades throws a punch... but THP ducks underneath and sweeps the 7'2" monster off his feet! The Blizzard crashes down! The Hitman cheers him on!
THP resumes his fighting stance... and the Blizzard dives at him on the mat, doing a double leg take down! The Blizzard and THP rumble up to their feet... and Blades drives him back into the corner and begins punching THP in the ribs. Blades then hits a head butt that knocks the Phenom to his back!
Blizzard grabs the ropes... leaps up... and STOMPS on THP! Referee Bundy warns Blades about using the ropes. The Blizzard backs off for a second... then runs in... ELBOWDROP! He stands up...ANOTHER ELBOWDROP! The Blizzard pulls up THP by the hair, drives him into the corner and pulls his head back across the turnbuckle... then starts shoulderblocking him in the ribs!
The Blizzard continues punching... then kicking THP in the ribs! He's got him trapped in the corner! Bret and Bobby yell in instructions to THP... and slowly he begins to regain his composure and fighting stance... starting to absorb the shots...
Then... 'GUESTS' arrive! The cameraman swings his camera around.. up the aisle to see....