from: the Rocky Mountains
415 lbs.
Ranked: I/C Champion
w/Jim Cornette

from: Henderson, TN
234 lbs.
Ranked: -

The Match:
The lights dim down as Jarrett's country theme plays! His lit up white jacket becomes visible as he struts down to the ring, slapping the fans' hands who have on the Double J gloves. He gets into the ring and motions for Howard Finkel to step aside, where he does his strut down the center of the ring. The fans cheer for Double J.

Pillman: He looks alright... even after that attack from Vader on Raw.

Sarah: I can't believe STING saved him!

Vader's music then plays and the I/C champ comes running down the aisle, tossing the belt aside and diving into the ring! Jarrett lunges on him and starts punching him in the head!!! Vader DROPS!!! Jarrett is on him with kicks to Vader's leg! Vader swings out an arm and flips Jarrett off his feet! The referee, Mitzy Johnson, calls for the bell!

Vader gets up to his feet and Jarrett begins to rise. Vader axehandles Jarrett... then swings his mighty arms again! Jarrett catches an arm and spins it around into an armwringer! Vader spins back and out of it... but Jarrett hangs on... twists... and FLIPS Vader over and off his feet!

Jarrett releases the armwringer and drops down to Vader's leg! He twists it around, pulling it in and up, adding pressure to the knee. Vader reaches out for the ropes... and grabs it! The referee calls for Jarrett to break!

Jarrett does... but he pulls Vader back and into a Step Over toe hold! Vader reaches up and takes a swat at Jarrett... who stays out of his range! Vader then starts kicking with his free leg... and Jarrett releases and backs out of range, still holding the injured leg. Jarrett KICKS at the knee!!! AND AGAIN!! AND AGAIN!!

Vader pops up and hops on his good leg. Jarrett kneels... SINGLE LEG TAKEDOWN!!! Vader crashes hard under his full weight!!! Jarrett looks around at the fans... who rise up... realizing that something is happening!!!

Sarah: Jarrett is having his way with Vader!

Pillman: I think there's TWO Double J's! He's switched like the Machine did!

Double J goes back to the spinning toe hold! The referee gets down and asks the champion if he submits. Vader shakes his head....

NO! Cornette runs around so he can see Vader...

Cornette: Of COURSE he doesn't QUIT... you idiot!

Jarrett stands up.... HAMSTRING PULL!!! Vader howls in agony! The fans are starting to reach a fevor pitch! Double J... KNEEDROPS the leg!! Vader pulls it up into his stomach, clutching it! Jarrett pulls it out... Vader takes a swat again with his fist... and Double J ducks away!

Sarah: It's like he's ready for EVERY Vader move!

Double J spins his finger around over his head.

Double J: HERE WE GO!

The fans respond favorably... then LOUDER when they realize that Jarrett is going for the FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK!!! Cornette is jumping around at ringside, screaming!!!

Double J steps in... twists the leg.... Vader reaches up....