RESULTS: Monday Night Raw Apr. 7, 1997

The camera comes up in the dressing room area.... it's Derrick Stardom's dressing room! There's a fight going on...Stardom is fighting a ninja fro the Rebirth!!!! They're struggling against a row of lockers. The Ninja throws a karate chop against Stardom, who blocks it... and NAILS him with a European Uppercut! Stardom then SLAMS him down on the locker room floor... yanks him up by the head... and slams him out of the room... blasting the door open as he whips him out.

Stardom: (shaking his head) WHAT NEXT!?

The camera shows Jim Ross and Sarah D again.

JR: The REBIRTH! AGAIN! What do they WANT!?

Sarah: I have NO idea! Why is Stardom on their hit-list?

JR: Questions are answered... and MORE appear! Just like Sting on Superstars! And MAYBE what we're going to hear NEXT! I've got an interview!


JR is in the ring.

JR:Ladies and gentlemen and now we have an interview with Harlem Heat or should I say Booker T.

(Suddenly Piper's music goes on)

JR:What?Roddy Piper?WWF President?

But,instead we see Booker T coming out,he stops,looks at the fans and makes an evil smile.He goes ahead and heads to the ring.He is wearing a Harlem Heat jacket and his usual tights.He gets at the ring.

JR:Umm..hello,welcome Mr. Booker T!!!

Booker T:Yo,man!!!

JR:As we all know,Stevie Ray have been suspended for 3 weeks by WWF President Roddy Piper.He has been suspended for all actions that were taken against my colleague Kevin Kelly and,of course,referee,Jim Pinette.

Booker:Ross,lemme say this!That stinkin' piece of trash has suspended Stevie Ray for NOTHING!!!Piper,yeah,that's right,you!Stop puking and listen here!Are you sure you mom didn't drop you on the head the day you were born?Are you sure?I think she did!!Well,actually not!Piper wasn't dropped on his head,he was so ugly,that when he was born he got trashed and,instead of him,his placenta was handed to his mom!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!(suddenly stops laughing).Roddy suspended Stevie for NOTHING!

JR:Nothing?You have hit the ref!

Booker:Well,I must admit that what Stevie and me did was wrong!


Booker:Yup!And I would like to apologize to Kevin Kelly for my and brothers actions against him.And I ma sorry for Pinette as well.Hey,you could understand us,we lost our tag belts to such two dumbasses that we didn't know what to do.Beating up referees and announsers ain't our styleYou gotta be coward to do that!!!And,I would like for Pinette to come out here right now!!! As Kevin Kelly is unable to make it.


(Pinette comes out.Left side of his face is taped.His right side looks red,unhealthy and red.Pinette gets at the ring)

Booker:John Pinette!Lemme just make it short,alright?Wht Stevie did was wrong and,as this butthole Piper suspended him,he ain't here right now,BUT I would like publically apologize to you and also Kevin Kellyfor our actions for they were one of dumbest things we've ever done.And,to you,my friend,I can't do much but all I got to say is I am sorry.I will handle charges for my expenses.Same goes to you,Kevin Kelly,if you are watching.the bottom line about that,is,bro,what we did was stupid!!!


Booker:No,don't say anything!Here. (he gives Pinette his hand.JR looks shocked and is looking at Booker.After a little while Pinette gives his hand to Booker.They shake hands.Pinette leaves as Booker T gives him thumbs up and taps him on the shoulder)

JR:I...I can't believe what you did.

Booker:Don't worry,Ross.I can't believe I did it either.NOW!!!Speaking of that Rowdy piece of crap,I apologize to you for nothing!!!!!Because you suspended him for nothing! And,I am sure if Pinette didn't leave he'd say the same to you,Hot Rod!I'd rather call you a HotDog.

JR:So what are you gonna do all the time that Stevie is gone?Three weeks is kind of long.

Booker:Well,I have a big one on that part.Frst of all,Road Warriors,you guys should go kiss Piper's knees for he'd saved you guys because I AM GOING SINGLES!!!!

JR:You are?What about Stevie?

Booker:We'll find that out later.But right now,JR,ya know who you're looking at?


Booker:NEXT WWF World Champion!!!!!!DAS RIGHT!!!!Because we are going singles!I will be World Champ and we'll talk with Stevie about what he wants to do.So,for the opening match of my singles career,I challengen Razor Ramon to a match on next Superstars.Das right! Razor,I ain't got nothing against you but everyone will see that Booker T IS an awesome singles wrestler and HAS potential to beat Diesel!!!The bottom line is Diesel,kiss your belt good bye!!!And I want my match with Ramon next week!You hear me,Rowdy?I said I want it!!!And you will see how I will BURN Razor to the floor!!HAHAHA!!!

(Turn That Mutha Out goes on.Booker T leaves.)

JR:Thanks,Mr. Booker.Personally I can not believe he did what he did.

Click here to go to Part VI of this event.