Sabrina SPRAYS the aerosol... and flicks A LIGHTER IN FRONT OF IT!!! A FIREBALL ERUPTS INTO THE ANVIL'S FACE!!! Brutus and the Warrior come running around the ring... but stop short of Sabrina. They can't hit a woman!

The Anvil moves around ringside, clutching his face, yelling out. Pillman, chuckles... then runs at the ropes... and hits the Anvil with a BASEBALL SLIDE KICK!!! The Anvil is knocked to the floor.

Sarah: The ref is MISSING all this! HE'S STILL DOWN!!!

Pillman runs at the ropes again... leaps OVER them.... AND SPLASHES THE ANVIL!!!! He pulls up Neidhart... just as the referee begins to stir. The Hitman is pounding the mat, trying to revive Pinnette...

Pillman holds up the Anvil and turns him toward Sabrina...

Pillman: Get him AGAIN, Sabrina! GET HIM!!!

Sabrina sprays... flicks the lighter... FIREBALL!!! Pillman ducks down to avoid the effect... but Neidhart catches it fully!!!! Sabrina moves back away from Warrior and Brutus, who are yelling at her... but refuse to use physical force on a woman!

The Hitman gets Pinnette revived... but too little too late! Pillman rolls the Anvil into the ring. Pillman then climbs in, acting like HE TOO was in a big fight. He favors his leg and shoulder and comes stumbling into the ring, holding his head. He takes a step forward.... 'trips' and 'falls' on top of the badly damaged Anvil. The ref drops down.... 1... 2... 3...!!!

Atlantra: YES!

Sarah: NO!

Pillman jumps up and runs around like nothing happened!!! He jumps from the ring and quickly leaves with Sabrina, laughing hysterically! Atlantra applauds for him... then leaves.


Brutus Beefcake tries to explain what happened, but the referee just shrugs. The Warrior helps up the Anvil, who needs SERIOUS medical attention. Bret helps him out, clutching his own throat from the attack. He doesn't follow the Warrior and Brutus, who help out the Anvil. He stays and waits for his match.

Sarah: This isn't right! The Anvil was cheated! And Bret has to wrestle next in A TRIANGLE MATCH! Let's go now... to MR. PERFECT!


Mr. Perfect is home in Minneapolis. He's in his basement where there is various work-out equipment spread around. Perfect is dressed in a sweat suit.

Mr. Perfect: Terry Taylor! You've been causing a LOT of waves in the WWF. Most recently costing Shawn Michaels his match against the Giant. And let's not forget... costing ME the chance to PERFECT PLEX you at WrestleMania! And thanks to this leg injury... the WWF won't let me compete until it's healed. But there is an alternative. I've got a friend who used to be in good with the Million Dollar Man... the current President of WCW. And we ALL know that WCW is desperate for ratings. THEY'LL let me wrestle injured or not... ALIVE OR NOT! And you just HAPPEN to be a WCW wrestler. Now I don't want your stinkin' piece of tin that proclaims you a champion of a bunch of preliminary wrestlers. But I DO have a promise to keep to Bret the Hitman Hart. And Mr.Perfect ALWAYS keeps his promises. Terry Taylor... once you come back from Germany... come back to WCW. Because I'll be THERE... waiting for YOU. Injury or not... it doesn't matter to me. I'm still light years beyond you. NOBODY beats Mr. Perfect. AND I MEAN NOBODY!