RESULTS: Monday Night Raw Apr. 21, 1997

The camera follows Sabrina Savage into an apartment building. She walks down a hall... checks the apartment number on a door and then knocks...

Voice inside: Just a minute!

Corey Major answers the door in just a towel. He looks suprised to see Sabrina, then looks down to make sure he DID put a towel on.

Sabrina: (cocking an eyebrow) Just get out of the shower? Maybe you should put some clothes on. We have things to talk about.

Corey: (looking nervous) Okay. Come on in.

Corey lets Sabrina in and closes the door. He heads to the other room to dress...

Corey: Have a seat...

Sabrina sits on the sofa and leans back.... and FLIPS OVER AND OFF! There was no back behind the cusions.

Corey: (calling out from the other room) Don't lean back on the sofa though!

Sabrina pulls herself up from the piles of laundry behind the couch. She shakes a sock off of her arm and walks back around the couch, sitting on the very edge. Corey comes out, buttoning his jeans. Sabrina eyes him up and smiles. He sits down across from her.

Corey: Well, what do you want to talk about?

Sabrina: Your career. You could benefit from management like mine.

Corey: You're offering your SERVICES to ME? With MY crappy skills. (he chuckles)

Sabrina: Your skills aren't crappy, it's just... you've been getting attacked so much, you haven't been able to do as much as you can do.

Corey: Well... (thinks for a second) How can YOU stop me from behind attacked? (seems jokingly)

Sabrina: Easy. Austin and Pillman. And me on the business end. Don't let it escape your attention that NOBODY interfered with Derrick's I/C match with Shawn at the Royal Rumble.

Corey: Yeah, you've got a point there. But I've got the Hart Foundation and Roxanne... my FRIENDS. THEY can help me out... and I'LL help THEM out! And come to THINK of it... heh... YOU THREE haven't exactly been NICE TO THEM!

Sabrina: Yeah... but if you were to stay with me for a little while... I'm not even saying how long, we'd LEAVE THEM ALONE!

Corey leans back a bit and looks at Sabrina. He seems to study her face.

Corey: So you're saying... lemme get this straight... if I take you on for a manager... you won't do anything to my friends for the duration!?

Sabrina: (nods) That's PRECISELY what I'm saying.

Corey: ANOTHER question, WHY take interest in ME? You're a BUSINESS woman. What's in this for YOU?

Sabrina: Well, you're up and coming. Austin and Pillman already have their following. My money can do a lot more than sit there. It can help you... thereby helping ME.

Sabrina smiles slyly at him and Corey nods his head as though he's getting it.

Corey: So I'm an INVESTMENT!

Sabrina: Yeah. You're one of the best rookies we have. Possibly THE best.

Corey: (looks Sabrina over) Well... I've been kind of looking for a girl.... one who could help me with my career to BOOT.

Corey gives her a look up and down. Sabrina smiles coyly.

Sabrina: Well then, by all means, I'm your girl.

Corey's eyes go wide.

Corey: Lemme see if I get this... AGAIN! If I sign with you... you... Austin... AND Pillman all leave MY FRIENDS ALONE! In matches... OUT of matches... interviews... ANYTIME...

Sabrina nods.

Corey: And you'll handle my contracts.... WITH Austin and Pillman watching my back. And I can get OUT of this deal ANYTIME? That right? Did I miss anything?

Sabrina: Well, I can ALSO help your MUSICAL CAREER!

Corey: With your money?

Sabrina nods again... and he smiles widely.

Corey: Now wait a minute. When I wrestle, I want my matches fair. I don't want you guys to interfere. You guys have to CLEAN UP YOUR ACT!!!

Sabrina: That's fine. Derrick liked it that way too, at first. And I honored that.

Corey: You mean I could get you guys to tone it down a little?!

Sabrina: In YOUR matches. What the three of us do in THEIRS is different.

Corey: It's a start.

Sabrina: One other thing. It's all fine and good for us to do nothing to your FRIENDS. But if THEY start something, you CAN'T expect us to sit back and do NOTHING!

Corey: They won't start anything! It's a deal! Well... I mean... it COULD be a deal.

Sabrina: PERFECT! I can do a LOT for you Corey. Look what I did for Derrick!

Corey: Uh-oh! I gotta think about this. Roxanne and the Harts won't be too happy. This doesn't look too good I'M SURE, on the surface! BUT... I think, in the end... it could be good for EVERYONE!

Sabrina: It's a BUSINESS decision!

Corey: (smiling slighly) BUSINESS?

Sabrina: (smiling seductively) Yeah. (she turns to the camera man) You can go now.

Sabrina smiles at Corey, who's eyes go wide.... then he smiles confidently. The camera fades out....)

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