RESULTS: Monday Night Raw May 12, 1997


(Jim Ross is in the ring,as the millions of fans look on)

Jim Ross:"Ladies,and Gentlemen,please welcome these two men,who were just at Qualify 97,dumped by Owen Hart!The British Bulldog,and Clarence Mason!"(Boos)

(The British Anthem,plays over the PA,and the fans boo.The British Bulldog comes out,and he is wearing a British Bulldog t-shirt,and jeans,and The WWF European Belt is around his waist.Clarence Mason is wearing a business suit,and is carrying a briefcase)

Jim Ross:"Welcome men!"

Both:"Hey Ross!"

(The British Bulldog just grabs the microphone from Jim Ross,and JR rolls out of the ring,and leaves,disgusted)

The British Bulldog:(British Accent)"There is one person in the WWF,who I am sick,and tired of,and it is not who you think it is?"

(The fans all start wondering who he is talking about.The British Bulldog turns,and looks at Clarence Mason)

The British Bulldog:(British Accent)"It's you CLARENCE MASON!(Some fans cheer)I am sick,and tired of your only line "I'm going to take legal action",so there's only one thing to do with you!"

(The British Bulldog grabs Clarence Mason by the collar,and picks him over his shoulder,and The Bulldog powerslams Mason.Clarence Mason lays outcold inside the ring.The British Bulldog picks up Clarence,and hiptosses him out of the ring,and gets the microphone,again)

The British Bulldog:(British Accent)"That felt great!Now if Owen Hart,and Bret Hart could come down,I have something's to say to them!"

(Owen Hart,and Bret Hart come down,and roll in the ring carefully. Bret looks at the Bulldog cautiously. He seems patient, but doesn't look to be tolerant of any antics.)

The British Bulldog:(British Accent)"First you Owen!I'm very sorry,for saying I was the best one in our tag team,when we were both the same,and I'm sorry,for trying to take the spotlight!Bret,I'm sorry,for always picking on you,and stuff,when your the one who got me,and my wife Diana together!"

(The British Bulldog extends his hand for Owen to shake,and Owen shakes The Bulldog's hand.The British Bulldog then extends his hand for Bret to shake,and Bret shakes The Bulldog's hand.They all hug,and the fans cheer.)

The British Bulldog:(British Accent)"You all remember The British Bulldog of old,Davey Boy Smith,who you guys the fans loved,and he loved you,well he's back,and better then ever!"(The fans applaud and cheer)

(The British Anthem,plays over the PA,and the fans go wild.The British Bulldog,The Rocket Owen Hart,and Bret"The Hitman"Hart leave,slapping hands with the fans,and The Bulldog let's the fans touch his European Belt. The Hitman walks out, nodding to the fans, still with an agitated look on his face.)

JR: (returning to the table) Now I didn't see THAT one coming EITHER!

Heart Attack: You have to wonder if this is some kind of trap... or if it's really sincere!

Sarah: It would be nice if they all got along again. But it wasn't that long ago the Bulldog and Owen were CHALLENGING the Hart Foundation!

JR: I suppose... TIME... will tell. Let's go now... to one of MY favorite interview subjects.... WOMANKIND!


(the scene is in the sewers. WoMaNkInD is seen sitting against the wall, while the Master is heard laughing in the background)

WoMaNkInD: were the first to feel the wrath of WoMaNkInD...for you see, the souls of the WWF must be saved...the demons must be taken, away...

WoMaNkInD: Wrestlemania the demons inside you, like, overcame you and took over your I have no choice but to.. ..TERMINATE YOU!!! You must remember Roxanne...that it is, like, for your own you may rest comfortably in the King of the Ring Roxanne, we will, like, meet an exorcism match...but THIS TIME...your demons will not over power me...and THIS TIME you will, like, finally have a nice day....

WoMaNkInD: ..until then, I would like to offer exorcisms to two individuals in the WWF....Venus Victrix and Lady me in the ring....and you will, like, HAVE A NICE DAY!!!

Click here to go to Part VI of this event.