RESULTS: Monday Night Raw May 12, 1997
JR: Alright Mr. Kaden. You say you're LUCKY... and you tend to win in bets. I'll take you up on that double or nothing bet right now!
Vincer: Very well... and what do you want to wager a bet on?
JR: The out-come of this next match. The Enforcers... or the Smoking Gunns. What about it?
Vincer: (looks at both of the ladies with a smile.. then looks at JR) Deal. Shall you pick a winner.... or me?
JR: No one knows wrestling like I do.... and I'm going to prove it to you. I'LL pick THIS one... and the match after that... YOU'LL pick. One of us has to get BOTH matches correct to win.
Vincer: Fine. And who do you select... the Smoking Gunns or the Enforcers?
JR: I'm going with the Smoking Gunns. They're DUE for a win. The Enforcers haven't impressed me in the past few weeks and the Gunns looked sharp against the Blackjacks. I'm goin' with the Gunns!
Vincer: That is perfect! I would have chosen the Enforcers anyway. Let's see who is right!
Vincer turns slowly toward Heart Attack and looks her over with a confident smile. He nods at her... then motions down with his eyes to the table... where he shows her another card trick.
the Enforcers
the Smoking Gunns
The Match:
'La Grange' starts to play and the Enforcers arrive. Anderson comes out wearing his wrestling tights and a Four Horsemen shirt with the Blackjacks and Enforcers on it. Benoit has the same shirt on, but his is cut off at the arms and waist. Chris wears red tights.They pass by the Road Warriors as they enter the ring, and the two teams glare at each other.
BANG! The Smoking Gunns come down the aisle wearing long white trenchcoats and white cowboy hats. They come down and enter the ring and stand up on the turnbuckles looking out at the fans... draw their pistols, and fire them off into the air. They take off their gear and get ready.
Billy and Benoit begin. They lock up. The Crippler sends in a swift headbutt, stunning Billy. Chris doubles him forward... hooks the tights... SNAP SUPLEX!!! The Crippler gets up quickly... LEGDROP!
Benoit reaches out and tags in Arn... then gets up into the referee's face and begins to complain to him.
Anderson dives in on top of Billy and starts choking him while the ref's back is turned. Billy kicks with his legs.
Anderson looks around... and sees... coming down the aisle, the Human Phenomenon! The LOD warn THP to stay away from ringside. THP abides and stares straight into the ring at Anderson.
Anderson yanks up Billy by the hair. Benoit still has the referee's attention. Arn sends Billy to the ropes.... where he TAGS BART!!! Bart leaps in and both Gunns run at Arn... DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!!! THE FANS CHEER!
The referee turns around and sees Billy leaving the ring. Bart swings his hand in the air...
Bart: YEEE-HAWWWW!!!!!!
Bart bounces off the ropes... and drops a big ELBOW on Anderson, then kips up to his feet. Arn shoots an arm out and trips Bart down to the mat and rolls over on top of him, jabbing him in the face.
JR: No time to get fancy with Anderson!
Arn picks up Bart... sends him for the ride... SPINEBUSTER!!! He looks up the aisle and stares back at THP for a moment... then sees someone ELSE coming down the aisle. Hawk steps over and blocks his entrance....IT'S TODD!
Todd shrugs up at the Road Warriors and flips open his laptop at the top of the aisle. He looks at the camera and motions to the ring...
Todd: Now THERE is a fine team!
Arn pulls up Bart... and sets him up for a PILEDRIVER.....