RESULTS: Monday Night Raw May 12, 1997
Bart does A DOUBLE LEG TAKE DOWN ON ANDERSON!! Anderson rolls back and comes up to his feet. Bart knife edges him... then hooks his head over his shoulder... SNAP MARE!
Arn looks up at Bart... and reaches up... SCRATCH TO THE FACE!! Bart puts his hands to his face in pain as Anderson gets up... front facelock... into a VERTICAL SUPLEX!!! He holds him there, inverted.... THEN DROPS HIM DOWN INTO A BRAIN BUSTER!!!
Heart Attack: Painful!!!
Bart rolls over onto his side... and tries to get up. Anderson stands and looks up the aisle at THP... and shows him the four horsemen symbol. Todd is still there, punching data into his computer. Anderson turns back toward Bart... and is CAUGHT!
GORILLA PRESS SLAM!!! Bart tags in Billy... who rushes in....LEG DROP!! Billy brings up Arn and chops him into the breadbasket... then crashes him down in a SNAP SUPLEX!!!
JR: The Gunns are looking CRISP Mr. Kaden! The Enforcers are off tonight!
Kaden is hardly watching the match, more busy entertaining Heart Attack. She seems taken by him.
Anderson wisely makes a tag to Benoit and Billy waits for the Crippler. Benoit climbs up to the top rope... but Arn doesn't leave! He suprises Billy with a kick to the gut..... then a DROP DDT!!! Benoit dives off the top rope.... FLYING HEAD BUTT!!!!
Anderson gets up and leaves. Chris hooks the legs... and shoots for the cross face... but Billy reaches the ropes and the referee forces the break!
JR: Whew! My wallet almost got lighter! If the Enforcers covered, they may have WON!!!
Billy tags in Bart who lets out a yell and goes on a RAMPAGE!!! He slams Benoit down onto his back... then yanks him up by the head. The Crippler throws a European Uppercut to Bart's face... but the Texan absorbs it... and BELLY TO BACK SUPLEXES THE CRIPPLER!!
Bart doesn't let up! He whips Chris to the Gunns' corner... and charges in behind with a front elbow block to Benoit's head! Chris stumbles out of the corner into Bart's arms.... BODY SLAM!!! Bart bounces away from Benoit and waits for him to rise up... he charges... SHOULDERBLOCK!!!
The fans are slowly rising up to their feet as Bart is on FIRE!!! Bart scoops up Benoit... AIRPLANE SPIN AND SLAM!!! Bart pumps his arm in the air as the Crippler gets up to his knees. Chris grips his hands together and throws a cheap low blow into Bart, then tags in Anderson.
Arn comes in and hooks Bart for a DDT... but Gunn punches his way free... then throws Arn up onto his shoulder... POWERSLAM!!! Bart brings up Arn into a front facelock... VERTICAL SUPLEX!!!
JR: I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! The Enforcers should have had this match won... but they made a critical error not going for the pin after their signature move!!!
Sarah: Maybe THEY should read Dok's scouting report!
Bart hooks Arn around the waist.... GUT WRENCH SUPLEX!!!! He pulls him right back up and turns him over... SHOULDERBREAKER!!! Bart doesn't let him drop! He turns him parallel to the mat.... and HITS A SIDE SUPLEX!!!
Bart rolls over on top of Arn and starts chopping away at his face. Anderson brawls his way up... but Bart blocks his shots! They get to their feet... and Bart... hits a BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!!! Arn is flipped up and OVER Bart into the turnbuckles!!!
He comes staggering out... and manages to slip in a PUNCH to Bart's face out of desperation. He drops down to his knees, catching his breath as Bart recoils. Arn tags Benoit and the Crippler goes up!
JR: They're setting again! But Bart isn't compromised enough! I don't think.....
Arn slips in a facelock.... and drives Bart down with a DDT... Benoit leaps....