RESULTS: Monday Night Raw May 12, 1997
BART MANAGES TO ROLL ASIDE!!! The fans POP! Benoit headbutts... THE CANVAS!!! Bart rolls and tags Billy... who climbs to the top rope..... and dives off... SIDEWINDER LEG DROP!!!!
Anderson is still in the ring... he motions for the ref to put Bart out... and the ref turns around. Anderson scoops up Billy, who's looking for a pin on Benoit....
... ANDERSON SPINEBUSTER SLAMS BILLY.... AND COVERS!!!! Benoit rolls to the outside. The ref turns around and sees the lateral press....
1... 2... 3...!!!!!!! THE FANS BOO!!!!!
Sarah: They CHEATED!!!!
The Enforcers stand in the center of the ring as their hands are raised in victory! And from behind.... THE ROAD WARRIORS ATTACK!!! They bash down the Crippler with their nightsticks... but Anderson dives on top of Animal and knocks him down with a punch... then a double axehandle. Hawk swings his nightstick at Anderson... but Double A ducks underneath it....
He throw an uppercut that snaps Hawk's head back..... then he dives out of the ring, pulling Benoit with him!
The Blackjacks jump over the railing and take up with the Enforcers. The Road Warriors are left in the ring as the Horsemen head out, victorious.
THP: Yo, ARNY! Your neck doesn't hurt does it?! I'm not the little boy you thought you were am I?! I'll tell you what, I'm not ready to wrestle right now because the Corporate Machine messed my knee up but in a month or so, I'll be ready. You're gonna be the first one on my dance card pal.
The Horsemen leave before THP can finish. THP slams down the mic and watches them leave, staring straight at Double A the entire time. THP adjusts his navy blue leather trench coat and then leaves.
JR: I suspect that THP had more to say... but the Horsemen weren't sticking around with the Road Warriors swinging their nightsticks. Maybe I can get a word with THP this coming weekend on WWF Superstars to see what's on his mind!
Sarah: Here comes Dok Hendriks! Looks like he's going to do an interview, right Heart Attack? (waits...) Heart Attack?
Heart Attack seems lost with Vincer Kaden.
Dok Hendrix: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion . . . "Double J" Jeff Jarrett!
(Double J's country theme begins to play, as the lights dim down and the musical notes flash down the aisle. Double J steps through the curtain, followed by Elizabeth, and makes his way over to Dok at the interview area.)
Dok: Thanks for being out here this week, Double J.
Jeff: My pleasure, Dok.
Dok: Double J, we saw you out here last week with an attack on -
Jeff: Dok, let me stop you right there. I've got a lot of things I want to say out here tonight, so I'm just gonna start rambling, if that's all right with you.
Dok: Well, that's fine. Here you go.
(Dok hands Double J the microphone.)
Jeff: Thank you. First of all, I'd like to address my old friend Razor Ramon . . . or, Scott Hall I guess he's calling himself now.
(Dok steps forward.)
Dok: Actually, I think it's MR. Scott Hall.
Jeff: Mr.? Elizabeth, does he call me Mr. Jeff Jarrett?
Elizabeth: I don't think he does, Jeff.
Jeff: Well, then I ain't callin' him Mr. Scott Hall! Razor, Scott, you listen up and you listen GOOD! You've been out here for weeks cryin' that you want a title shot. The only problem is that you don't seem to have a CLUE as to what you're after! A few weeks back you come out and challenge for the World Title. Then you want a match with me for the Intercontinental title. THEN you ask me and Diesel, the very guys you challenged for title matches, to join a stable with you! Elizabeth, is it just me, or is that odd?
Elizabeth: It is a bit strange.
Jeff: Good! Then it's not just me. THEN, Scott, I hear you say that you're not persuing the IC title anymore, cause you've been after it for a while and you couldn't win it. But then I go and turn on the TV the next time the WWF was on, and you're challenging me again for a title shot! Then I hear you on Superstars, sayin' that you're coming after me and you want a title shot and all that. And you go on to TELL me to sign a contract for the match, and that you want a stipulation and all that fun stuff. Razor, let me run down a bit of history for you, just in case you've forgotten it.
(The video wall shows the events as Double J describes them...)