WWF Superstars, May 17, 1997


Luxury: I know, I said that this week I'd talk about my situation with the Network, but I've got to stay focused on my match! This week on Raw, when my team faces the Hart Foundation, I'll answer all questions about my intentions! As for now, Tyr, you got the best of me last time, but I'm ready now. I don't expect anything but a friendly match, and I hope that's what you give me.

the Lady Tyr

The Match:
Tyr enters looking better than she has been for the past few weeks. She comes with a half smirk on her face as the Highlander Theme blasts on the P.A. Seeress comes down with the cider flask while Tyr enters the ring. Tyr shows off some swordplay and then nabs the flask from Seeress. SHE CHUGS IT! The crowd goes wild!! The phantom observes from the outside.

Luxury comes through the curtain, looking focused on her match. The Slickster tries to dance along with her harpsichord music... but cannot. She slaps hands with the fans and heads up into the ring, where she hops around a bit, testing out the ropes, and getting warmed up. Slick takes up a position in the corner and offers in some advice to Luxury.

The bell sounds. Tyr easily scoops up the lighter Luxury... spins her around behind her head... and sets her down on her feet. Luxury wobbles from the airplane spin... and Tyr lifts up a big boot... AND NAILS HER IN THE FACE KNOCKING HER DOWN!

Lady Tyr pulls up the younger Helmsley... and whips her to the ropes... POWERSLAM!!! Tyr again stands, keeping an eye on the grey phantom and looking around.

JR: No sign of the Giant this week. Did he ever get her RILED up last time!

Lady Tyr pulls up the smaller Luxury.... hooks her around the waist.... SIDE WALK SLAM!!! Slick holds his hat down on his head, wincing in sympathetic pain. He knocks the end of his cane on the canvas and urges Luxury on.

Tyr clamps on a vise-like bear hug, wrenching around Luxury like a rag doll. She sets her down... wraps a hand around her throat.... ONE HANDED CHOKE SLAM!!!

JR: Lady Tyr is AWESOME!!! She's on such a roll!!!

Sarah: And with so many distractions also!

Tyr begins tomahawk chopping Luxury back... again and again and again!!! Luxury is getting ROCKED! Slick yells in something.... and LUXURY RESPONDS!!! Luxury drops down, hooking Tyr's legs..... DROP TOE HOLD!!!

Luxury doesn't release the leg.... she twists it around with her arms, bending the foot against the ankles grain!!! Tyr let's out a yell!! Luxury wrenches it back and forth... and the ref gets down into position. Slick pounds the mat, getting the fans into it!

JR: She's got it hooked on good! What a painful submission move this is!

Luxury twists the ankle as hard as she can..... TYR GIVES!!!! The ref calls for the bell!!! Luxury releases the move.

Slick: Turn out the LIGHTS.... the party's OVER!

Luxury rolls out of the ring and heads back to the dressing rooms, slapping a few hands. Slick rushes to catch up with her, making sure to high-five everyone along the way.

JR: If you blinked... YOU MISSED IT!!

Sarah: Luxury just saw an opening... took it... and won!

Heart Attack: That's one a piece for them! I wonder if we'll see a tie-breaker!

Tyr stands... and Seeress hands her a mic....

Click here to go to Part IX of this event