RESULTS: Monday Night Raw May 19, 1997
KICKOUT! Roxanne head scissors her for a moment... then releases, allowing both to get to their feet. Venus comes at Roxanne... who catches her in a BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!!! Roxanne pops back up from the move... Venus looks hurt.
Roxanne runs at Venus as she gets up.... the challenger digs deep....ARMDRAG TAKEDOWN!!!! Venus pulls Roxanne in for a vertical suplex... she lifts her up and holds her inverted for a long time.... then she drops down.... INTO A DIAMOND CUTTER!!!!!
JR: WOW!!! I don't even know WHAT that is!!!
Sarah: I've NEVER seen THAT before!
Roxanne looks flattened on the mat! She rolls to her side, holding her neck. Venus gets up and waits on the champion. Roxanne pulls herself up, shaking the cobwebs loose. The two lock up again. Roxanne maneuvers... Venus jockeys for position.... BODYSLAM!!! Roxanne hits the slam!
Venus is sent for the ride.... CROSS BODY BLOCK!!! Roxanne gets up and pumps her hand in the air! The fans respond! She throws Venus HARD to the corner... and runs in at her... AVALANCHE SPLASH!!!! Roxanne steps away and Venus crumples to the mat. Roxanne drops down... hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3...!!!
Roxanne jumps up and helps Venus to her feet and shakes her hand. The referee hands the belt to Roxanne and she holds it high for all the Rock-a-holics.
Vincer: AMAZING! Still the champion! Venus lost today... but she will no doubt be back!
King: Roxanne wins! That was a GREAT match! JR, hold my headset! I'm gonna try and get a word with Roxanne.
The King leaves and walks up to Roxanne as she's coming down the steps.
King: Great win, Roxanne! Now let me ask you ... what the WORLD wants to know! Now that you've conquered the ladies division, what do you feel about INTER-GENDER wrestling?!?
Roxanne: (cocks an eyebrow at the King) If you're referring to ME... if you'll remember, I already DID back in the Mixed Six at the Countdown to WrestleMania. The Enforcers learned what THAT was like.
King: Well, ok. Hey Roxanne, I don't know if you've been watching lately, but the King's Court is the PLACE for some of the lovely ladies in the WWF! How'd you like to be a guest sometime?
Roxanne: (thinks) Sure! Why not!
King: GREAT! Ha Ha Ha Ha! Back to you at ringside!
JR: My GOSH! NO!!! Not to US... LOOK AT THIS!!!
Womankind comes down the aisle... WITH A CHAINSAW!!!! The saw is already started and is making a lot of noise. She laughs and screams as she comes down!!! Roxanne seems startled, but holds her ground. Even the Road Warriors seem shaken by this demented woman.
Womankind comes to ringside and looks at Roxanne in the eyes. She then threatens to saw one of the fans at ringside. She slowly moves towards them... laughing....
Womankind: ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE ROXANNE... for King of the Ring....
Roxanne's eyes are wide, fearing for the fan. She seems unsure of what to do!
Womankind moves the chain saw closer to the frightened fan!!! She threatens to saw her in half!!!! Roxanne makes like she will move in... but is halted as Womankind turns the chainsaw toward her!!!
JR: Oh my GOD!!! We need help!!! This is out of CONTROL!!!
Roxanne holds her ground.... nervously. Womankind moves closer... and closer.... Roxanne begins to move back away from the loud chainsaw. They move along the ring... and Womankind continues to move toward Roxanne....
Womankind turns and saws down the ring ropes... then continues to move at the champion. Roxanne shakes her head NO! Womankind moves at her with the chainsaw... and it sputters.... DEAD!!! OUT OF GAS!!!! WWF officials charge in now that it's safe... and pull Womankind away from Roxanne... and STRAIGHT JACKET HER!!!
As they cart her off... Roxanne moves over to check on the condition of the threatened fan. Roxanne looks up the aisle at the departing Womankind with a dead serious look. She moves up the aisle, slapping hands with the fans, and letting them touch her World Title.