RESULTS: Monday Night Raw May 19, 1997
(VADER and Jim Cornette are seen in the interview area)
Jim: So, Jeff Jarrett, what happened during this past weekend?? WHO is the greatest manager in the WWF? That's right, it's me!! Jim Cornette!! Elizabeth didn't even know what to do during the six man tag team match, but I led my men to victory!! THAT'S how you manage! But, Jarrett, your not on the menu for VADER today....Sid is!!
VADER: ARRGGG! SID!! WHO'S THE MAN?? VADER is the man!! You LOOK and SEEM confident Sid...but after WILL be VADER time!!!
Jim: Get the title shined up Sid, cause it's coming to this man!!
Sid is standing in the back with Sarah D. He is wearing his normal leather outfit and has his WWF Title around his waist. Sarah D is wearing Blue jeans and the bring back Bob the agery clown T-shirt and a baseball cap that says get well soon Shawn.
Sid : You know and me are gonna face off for The WWF Title. You can try anything you like...but I am not gonna give this Title up without a fight.
Sarah D : And I will be there to take care of Cornett if he wants to try something.
Sid : And you will see Vader...that I am the master...and the ruler of the world.
(Sid walks out from the back and walks towards the entrance)
The camera comes in on the announcer's table.
Heart Attack: Okay, Vincer. I pick SID to keep his title. If I'm wrong, I'll have dinner with you. A dinner between COLLEAGUES! If I win, you pay for Derrick and me to have dinner!
Vincer nods and smiles, accepting the deal.
King: Hey JR! Listen to the REAL history expert around here! The last time I came out here, Sid went against Vader! And who won that one? VADER! I see no reason why things will change this time!
JR: Well King, I did NOT realize that. Both of these men are deserving of a win. But with you being a good luck charm....! Perhaps Vincer took that into considertion. Vincer?
Vincer: Who do I think will win this? Who is wrestling again?
JR: Vader and Psycho Sid.
Vincer: (shrugs and answers)Vader. Sure. Why not.
Psycho Sid
w/Sarah D.
w/Jim Cornette
The Match:
The camera comes down to ringside again. The Road Warriors continue to patrol around. And opposite them at ringside... it's Austin and Pillman.Pillman: It's been a QUIET night hasn't it? Just like Superstars... we're the REAL policemen of the WWF... not THESE 'ANGRY CLOWNS' Hahahahaha!!!
Vader's music starts to play. He comes down carrying a steel folding chair and looks around carefully. He has a smile on his face. Cornette has a BIG smile on his face and fakes a swing at some fans that are nearby, who were laughing at his clothes. Vader climbs into the ring and stands in the corner, tossing his chair down at ringside.
JR: Cornette is up to SOMETHING! Look at that GRIN!
As Sid is announced he walks out with the WWF Title high above his head. He slowly walks down the aisle...letting the fans touch his Title.
Stevie Ray comes running from the back... and he begins to take a swing at Sid. Booker leaps from the back and grabs the chair from him... and throws it away. Stevie still tries to dive at Sid with punches.. but Booker suprisingly holds him back and pushes him back to the locker rooms. Stevie shouts at Booker...
Stevie: What's your problem? Let go!!! C'mon!
Booker: Calm down! What did he ever do to ya! Let's get outta here!
Stevie and Booker argue heatedly... but Booker forces him to leave.
JR: MORE trouble in the remnants of the Empire!
He then walks up the steps...into the ring and screams "WHO'S THE MAN ?!?!?". Then the red fireworks wich spell "SID" flash.Sarah D gives the baseball cap to a little boy at ringside that is hold a HBK sign. Sid stands in the ring...pounds his chest and scream at Vader Sid then gives the WWF Title to Sarah D...who brings it to the ringside official.
Sid then RUSHES AT VADER.......