RESULTS: Monday Night Raw May 19, 1997

BUT VADER IS READY!!! Vader NAILS Sid with a solid punch... then begins to lay into him!!! The referee tries to seperate the two... but is shoved back!!!

JR: Sid tried to jumpstart the match again!!! These fans don't appreciate that!

Vader continues to pummel Psycho Sid as the referee tries to regain order!

At ringside... the LOD... pull out barbed wire and start wrapping their nightsticks with it. They start moving toward Jim Cornette, looking threatening. Cornette's eyes go wide and he stumbles back away....

Austin and Pillman rush over with their nightsticks, ready to whoop some behind.

And then... a swirly fog cloud comes down the aisle way... bringing with it... DEMOLITION!!! They emerge with their full leathers and masks. All three teams are at a stand off!!!

JR: It's been like this ALL NIGHT! One explosive situation leading into ANOTHER!!!

Heart Attack: If one team makes a move... the other two will join in!!!

Up in the ring, Vader is still pounding Sid with punch and clothesline combinations, knocking him down to the mat with each impact. The referee finally just calls for the bell to start the match. As soon as Vader hears the bell... he SPLASHES DOWN ON SID HARD!!! He hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3...

NO! TWO COUNT!!! Vader pulls up Sid and continues to brawl with him, throwing punches... chops and even a head butt!!! Sid kicks back.... and pulls up a forearm... then an axehandle! Vader is doubled over with a kick to the stomach. A second kick drives him back into the corner. Sid pulls back a big fist and throws it...

BLOCKED!!! Vader scoops him... BODYSLAM!!!

King: Look at Sid... what a MORON! Anyone know where Corey Major is? I want my 'SID SUCKS!' shirt!

JR: Who's going to win this Vincer?

Vincer: There is but a 41% chance of Vader winning. The odds... are against him.

Kin: You SAID it! Psycho Sid is definitely ODD!! HAHAHAHA!!

Vader hoists up Sid... POWERSLAM!!! He holds on to him and brings him up again across his chest. He turns him over... TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!! Vader returns to a brawling match with knife-edges... then an axehandle!!! Sid fires back, but doesn't get much firepower behind his shots.

Vader slams Sid to his knees with an axehandle... then he drops an elbow down to the back of his head!!! 450 pounds drives Sid to the mat!!! Vader backs up... ABDOMINAL SPLASH!!!

King: WOW!!! I think it's OVER!

Vader hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3....

NO! TWO COUNT!!! The referee sees Sid get his shoulder up!

Meanwhile, Austin and Pillman are nearly nose to nose with the Road Warriors, under the watchful eye of Demolition. Cornette tries to focus on the match, quick to point out that the referee had a SLOW count!

Cornette motions for the ref to pay attention... as Vader... SPLASHES SID AGAIN!!! He hooks the leg again... 1.... Sid pushes him off.... but exerts a lot of strength doing so.

Vader gets up and looks around. He sees the teams at ringside, and sees that Cornette has things well in hand. He looks down at Sid, who is hurt and on his back. Vader goes to the corner...

... and goes to the TOP!

JR: It's the VADER BOMB!!! It he hits this... IT'S OVER!!

As Vader gets his balance... the fans start rallying behind Sid, chanting his name. Vader leaps....

Click here to go to Part XVI of this event.