Wild Chylde DiBiase
w/Slick & Corey MajorThe Match:
As Womankind is introduced, the lights go out and a spot light guide her to the ring. As she gets into the ring, she rolls around the ring and screams. At times she gets up and stares at the fans. One time she looks into the camera and yells:WoMaNkInD: ...get well Sunny!!
Wild Side by Motley Crue blasts through the arena. Wild Chylde walks through the curtains with Slick and Corey Major at her sides. She signs some autographs quickly, then walks confidently toward the ring. Corey gives her a big puppy-dog like smile. She enters the ring and... WOMANKIND ATTACKS!!!
She slams DiBiase across the back of the head as she gets into the ring. Wild Chylde rises up and with equal intensity... PUSHES WOMANKIND DOWN!! She SNAP suplexes Womankind over... then pulls her up and drops her across her knee in a backbreaker!
Womankind flips over the knee... hooks DiBiase's leg... and SMALL PACKAGES HER!!! The ref dives down... 1... kickout!
JR: Well... I guess the match is underway!! What a move by Womankind!
Womankind lays back across DiBiase, yanking a leg up toward her. Wild Chylde sits out... but Womankind holds the leg and forces Wild Chylde down to her back. She starts to spin on the FIGURE FOUR!!! Wild Chylde fights it... tripping Womankind down!!!
Womankind reaches up... and GOES FOR THE MANDIBLE CLAW!! Wild Chylde tries to BITE HER!!!! The ref breaks it up!!
JR: It's like their feud NEVER ENDED!!!
The two begin to get up... but before they do, Wild Chylde clamps on a bear hug. Womankind shifts her weight and they crash back down to the mat. Womankind grabs for the leg... she GETS IT!!!
Wild Chylde pulls up her other leg... and BODY SCISSORS Womankind, pulling her down to the mat. She rolls with her, trying to press her shoulder's down. She clamps it on.. unable to get a pin... but goes for a submission, crushing Womankind's ribs. She SQUEALS!!!
Womankind reaches out for the ropes... but can't make it! She tries to bash her way out... but Wild Chylde keeps out of range. The ref gets down...
Bundy: Womankind... DO you SUBMIT!?
Womankind shakes her straggly hair around negatively. Wild Chylde maintains the pressure, squeezing as hard as she can. Womankind can't find a way out!
Bundy: Womankind... listen....DO... YOU ... SUBMIT.
Womankind... shakes her head....
NO!!! She reaches back... and rakes her nails across Wild Chylde's leg! She's FREE! She grabs a hold of the leg... and twists it around. Wild Chylde spins with it, getting her leg out... and kipping up!
Womankind hits a take down and turns Wild Chylde over into a spinning toe hold!!! Womankind shoots an arm around DiBiase's face to stop her from squirming free. WILD CHYLDE BITES HER ARM!!!! Womankind screams in pain!!! She pulls back...
Wild Chylde gets up to her feet... and reaches down, wrapping her arms around Womankind's thin body.
JR: Looks like a GUT WRENCH TO ME!!!
Womankind acts quickly.... she throws her arm around Wild Chylde's leg... holding herself down. Wild Chylde pulls up hard... and yanks up WOMANKIND IN THE AIR!!! She over compensates! Womankind flips up and over DiBiase's head... AND LANDS ON HER FEET BEHIND HER!!!
DiBiase is spun around... and Womankind pulls on an armbar! Wild Chylde sucks up the pain from the move... and uses it... TO BODY SLAM WOMANKIND!!! She bounces back from the force of the move! Womankind bounces up from the mat into Wild Chylde's arms. DiBiase hooks her... SIDEWALK SLAM!!! She hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3...!!!!!!
The fans POP LOUDLY!!!!!
Slick: Turn out the LIGHTS.... the party's OVER!!!
Womankind crawls from the ring quickly... and disappears under the ring.
JR: I wonder if the Machine will share any of his PIZZA!!!
'Respect' by Aretha Franklin plays and Wild Chylde stands on the turnbuckle and gets the crowd singing and dancing. She smiles at Slick and he dances a bit to the music, bringing the fans to their feet! Corey comes up into the ring with Wild Chylde and she takes his hand, making it a big deal for the camera. He congratulates her... and all three leave, slapping hands with the fans.