(Mr.Scott Hall is backstage,with Todd Pettingill)
Mr.Scott Hall:"Big Daddy Fool"Diesel,I'm going to slap you silly tonight,and I'm going to walk out of Tuesday Night Titans,with a big victory,because I'm going to whoop your ass,mang!I'M GONNA CARVE YOU UP!"(As Scott says that he does The Carve You Up sign with his toothpick)(Mr.Hall throws his toothpick at the camera)
from: Miami, Fla
262 lbs.
Ranked: -
w/Terry, Todd, Blaine, Susannah Helmsley
from: Detroit, MI
330 lbs.
Ranked: #3
w/Flash Funk, Sensei and Sarah D.The Match:
"Calling All Cubans" plays over the PA,and the fans boo loudly.Scott Hall comes out wearing a business suit,sunglasses,good shoes,his face clean shaven,his hair in a ponytail,and he is carrying a briefcase.Terry Taylor is with him, as is Blaine Parker and Todd. Terry has a smile on his face.Hall gets in the ring,and he does the signal for The Hall's Edge,and the fans boo loudly,fireworks come out of the turnbuckles.The Taylor Blondes remove his business suit, ready to wrestle.
Diesel's music begins to play and Big Daddy Cool walks out to the cheering of the crowd, raising both hands over his head, then signalling for the Jacknife! Behind him, the Sensei walks out, carrying his staff... and then Flash Funk, looking around cautiously.
They start down towards the ring, Diesel slapping hands and stopping to sign a Diesel POWER cap for one of the little kids. Sensei watches around warily and he is joined from the table by Sarah D.
They get to ringside and Diesel walks around, highfiving the fans at ringside then stopping on each side, lifting up the apron and looking underneath.
He then clibs up into the ring and the Sensei takes a position near the announcer's table.
Hall walks up to Diesel and throws a toothpick in his face. Diesel turns his head away from the toothpick... and Hall POUNCES ON HIM HARD!! He punches him in the head, knocking him down... then starts raining stomps and kicks on him. Hall gets down and begins to hammer punches to the side of Diesel's head!
Diesel rolls him off and starts to get up. Hall dives into Diesel's leg and knee clips him down. Hall gets up.... backs away ... and as Diesel gets up... ANOTHER KNEE CLIP!! Diesel manages to stay on his feet. Hallclips again.... AND TAKES HIM DOWN!!!
Hall gets over Diesel and continues kicking him in the head and stomach. He pulls Diesel up.... holds him across his chest... and in an incredible feat of strength... HITS A FALLAWAY SLAM ON BIG DADDY COOL!!! Hall gets up and continues kicking Diesel in the face!
JR: Hall has a new lease on life since joining Taylor Tech. You can't like them... but they ARE good for each other!
Hall sends Diesel for the ride. He hooks him for a POWERSLAM... but Diesel DOESN'T GO OVER!!! Hall can't flip him over! Diesel bowls him down with a shoulderblock and hits the ropes! He comes back...ANOTHER SHOULDERBLOCK!! Diesel hits five consecutive shoulderblocks, Warrior-style!!! Hall is then doubled over with a kick to the stomach. Scott kicks back into Diesel... then grabs him by the throat... ONE HANDED CHOKE SLAM!!!
Hall stands over Diesel and starts to wrap on a Figure Four! Diesel fights it... and trips Hall off. Diesel gets up to his feet... grabs Hall from behind the head... and drives him FACE FIRST into the mat!!! Big Daddy stands over Hall and signals for the Jack-knife... but then is CLIPPED DOWN TO THE MAT BY HALL!!
JR: Hall has his game plan... and it's working! TARGET: THE LEG!
Hall COVERS!!! He hooks the leg...1... shoulder UP! Hall gets up... and WRAPS ON THE FIGURE FOUR!!! Diesel knuckles down into the canvas... and PUSHES HALL OFF OF HIM!!!
Vincer: This Diesel is an extraordinary athlete. Quite impressive.
Vincer smiles up at Heart Attack as the action continues...
Diesel starts getting up to his feet... but Hall dives into Diesel's shin and takes him back down. Scott hooks the leg deep... and the ref counts... 1... KICKOUT!
The fans start rallying behind Diesel, led by Flash Funk at ringside! They chant out BDC! BDC! BDC!! Diesel sits up... surging with power!!! Hall starts kicking down into Diesel... but his shots are having NO EFFECT!!! Diesel stands up... pulls up Hall and drapes him over his shoulder... POWERSLAM!!!
Todd leaps up onto the apron, waving his arms frantically at the referee. John Pinnette....