Stone Cold Steve Austin
w/Brian Pillman & Sabrina Savage
Bret Hitman Hart
w/Jim Neidhart & RoxanneThe Match:
The speakers have the sound of glass breaking coming from them. Then Austin's music kicks in. A few signs for Bret Hart go up along the runway... and as Stone Cold comes out... he snatches the signs away, rubs them across his rear... and tosses them down in front of him so he can walk on them.Brian Pillman comes out next, doubled over in laughter at the fans who just lost their signs. He hobbles up the aisle on his crutch, pretending to be hurt. The camera shows his face and he has taken a marker and drawn a black circle around his eye, mimicing Bret Hart's black eye.
Sabrina then comes out, with the 517 pound former World Champion, Lucifer Graves in tow, acting as a bodyguard. He looks left... then right.... then strides purposefully out.
Sabrina holds out a handful of money out to the fans that just lost their posters... then she snatches it away quickly and keeps walking. Graves makes no expression as he continues.
Austin gets up into the ring and walks up to referee King Kong Bundy... and gets right in his face, jawing away!!! Bundy stares back at him as Austin's head bops around, throwing forth expletives. Bundy continues to stare... but then forcefully pushes Austin out of his face, halfway across the ring.
Stone Cold looks back at him, his composure shaken. Sabrina motions for Austin to leave the referee alone. Stone Cold then starts pulling on the ropes, warming up.
The Hart Foundation music starts to play, as pink and white lights move across the fans. A large Heart shaped light moves around the ring. Down the entry aisle, heads the Hitman Bret Hart, followed by the Anvil, Jim Neidhart and Roxanne. The Anvil is dressed in street clothes, has on sunglasses, a large knee brace, and is using metal crutches to walk down the aisle. Roxanne is wearing her mid-night blue two piece wrestling outfit and keeps her eyes trained on Sabrina as she comes down.
When they get to ringside, Bret helps the Anvil get a chair and get seated in the Hitman's corner. Bret then removes his sunglasses and we see his black eye, the eye is swollen and has obviously only recently opened enough for the Hitman to see out of it. He heads over to the fans and puts his sunglasses on a young girl at ringside. Bret then enters the ring, and stands up in a corner raising his hands to the fans.
The bell sounds. Austin comes toward the Hitman, looking to lock up. Bret stalks around, ready for some kind of sneak attack. He instead dives in and bashes heads with Austin. Stone Cold comes back with a kneelift.... then he RAKES THE EYES!!! Bret backs away, temporarily blinded. Stone Cold hooks him... SIDE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!!!
Austin rolls over on top of Bret and starts pounding his face with knife edges and punches. Bret's legs are kicking and his fists are pounding into Austin's back. Stone Cold gets up and punctuates his assault with a stomp Bret's face... then the double middle finger IN his face!!! Some Austin fans cheer!!!
King Kong Bundy backs Austin back up away from Hart, admonishing him about the closed fists. Sabrina yells in at the ref to leave him alone. Roxanne yells at Sabrina.
JR: We have what Starr Blaze would call... a POWDER KEG HERE!!
Heart Attack: And I hope if blows up in SABRINA the WITCHES FACE!!
Austin and Bundy are still arguing as Bret starts to get to his feet. He dives in at Stone Cold and flips him over with a takedown. Bret stands up, holding Austin's legs in his hands, parting him... then stomping down in the lower abdomen!!!! Fans GASP!!! Bret takes one leg... steps over Austin and takes the leg above Austin's head and JERKS IT!!! Austin pulls his leg into his body in pain and the Hitman fans LOVE IT!!!
JR: These guys are like SURGEONS... they take a part... and dissect it!
Bret waits for Austin to stand... then comes at him with a headbutt to the lower back... then another!!! Bret dives down into Austin's knee.... and takes him off his feet!!
Bret moves around the ring, looking out at the fans who applaud back!!! Roxanne raises her hands over her head and gets the fans behind the Hitman. Austin is helped to his feet... then taken down... IN A REVERSE DDT!!!!!
Bret keeps moving... SNAP SUPLEX.... no Austin hits EUROPEAN UPPERCUT!!! He stands and starts kicking Hart in the knee. Bret pulls him in... lifts him up... AND DROPS HIM IN A BACKBREAKER!!!!
The Hitman pops to his feet... goes to the corner... and backs up to the second rope.... FLYING ELBOW SMASH!!!! RIGHT ACROSS THE KNEE!!! Austin rolls around in pain. Bret gets him up... BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX!!!! Both wrestlers bounce up to their feet... Bret under his own power, Austin from the moves impact!!!
Hart hooks Austin's leg with his own.... BUT STONE COLD HITS THE SIDE RUSSIAN!!! Austin flips up on top of Bret and starts hammering him in the face with chop after chop after chop!!!!! He yanks up Bret.... PILEDRIVER!!!!!
JR: WHAT A MOVE!!! A piledriver... PERFECTLY executed!!
Sarah: They BOTH look good! But you HAVE to cheer for Bret!
Austin kneelifts Bret up ... and into a DROP DDT!!! Austin gets to his feet... and walks up eye to eye with Bundy... then turns around and STOMPS the Hitman in the head... and pulls him into a NECKBREAKER!!! Stone Cold waits..... Bret starts to get up...
Austin leaps over him... SUNSET FLIP.....
1... 2.....Bret's legs start kicking.... BUT....