WWF Superstars, June 7, 1997


In the Superstars Interview Area, we see Dok Hendriks, standing in front of a wall of TV monitors that fill up the entire screen. He stands next to the Badd Boy Derrick Stardom and Heart Attack. H.A. is on Derrick's arm, looking adoringly at him.

Dok: HELLO!!! With me now... the Badd Boy Derrick Stardom! BBDS.... along with Heart Attack... hello,H.A.....!! Derrick, tonight... it's Mr. Scott Hall.

Stardom: What Hall has... is a FAILURE to remember! Back at the Countdown to WrestleMania.... March the FIRST.... I was slated to defend... MY Intercontinental title against Razor Ramon! The Emperor wanted... the HOTTEST talent in the Empire... he wanted ME! And to get me.... he had the whole EMPIRE whack Razor.

Dok: But you didn't wrestle him like that. You FORFEITED the title because of that... and Sabrina!

Stardom: I said I'm here to win matches... but I'm here to win... on MY terms... and with MY ability! I would have kicked Razor Ramon's carcass at the Countdown had his new buddies not have done it FIRST... and tonight, I will kick SCOTT HALL'S carcass just the same! A little shave and some new shoes doesn't pull the wool over BBDS' eyes.... I KNOW he's still the same door mat that he's ALWAYS been, and tonight, I've got some DUNG on the bottom of my boots that I'm scrapin' all over HIM!

Dok: No doubt Taylor Tech will INTERJECT!

Stardom: Of COURSE! Y'know Dok, that reminds me... wasn't it somewhere that I heard... the Giant didn't need HELP to win matches? But yet... I seem to recall....(puts his hand up to his temple).. yes, yes... I DO seem to recall.... some Monkey-Man named Todd Pettingill jumping up on the apron during my match with Goliath, stirrin' up trouble with the ref... claimin' that Heart Attack was.... let me get this straight.... 'coming ON to him?'

Heart Attack and Derrick look at each other for a second... then CRACK UP LAUGHING!!! Dok chuckles... then joins in with a hearty laugh. Stardom stops Dok by looking right at him with a stern look. He then turns to the camera.

Stardom: I've got a blank check in my pocket... ready for a number with a lot of ZEROS behind it. I just MAY have to put Hall down for the 1-2-3... and I'm not talking about seconds... I'm talking about WEEKS!!! Scott Hall... get ready... for the StarFALL!

Stardom looks quickly at Dok, who starts fumbling for words, looking nervous...

Dok: W-w-w-wai...

Stardom: LIGHTS OUT!!!

With that, the lights in the interview area click off... but the TV monitors behind the three of them slowly pulse on with a spinning galaxy of stars and pulsing comets.

Dok: I HATE when he does that! But still.... it's just so COOL!

Stardom: The pleasure... was all YOURS!

Mr. Scott Hall
w/Suannah Cecily Helmsley
Badd Boy Derrick Stardom
w/Heart Attack

The Match:
Mr. Scott Hall is up in the ring. He is joined by Susannah Helmsley, who is at ringside, holding her laptop computer.

The begining of The Who's...."Behind Blue Eyes" is heard... 'No one knows what it's like... to be the bad man.....'

Then 'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour absolutely BLASTS through the arena! Laser lights fly up from the entryway, cutting through the air. Small lights, like stars, fall upon the walkway and are shot up along the ceiling of the arena.

A flash of light behind the curtains.... then again... and again until it strobes on to full intensity. Silouhetted in front of the white lights are two figures. The curtains burst open from a rush of air and part. Badd Boy Derrick Stardom and Heart Attack strut out, arm in arm. Stardom pauses for a moment to bask in the dramatic entrance, tilting his head back and getting a cocky smile. He snickers a bit then starts to walk to the ring with H.A. Envious women along the runway clamour for his attention, but he refuses to even glance their way.

JR: Stardom seems a little more like himself since talking with Heart Attack on TNT. He's been a little... well... NUTS lately.

Heart Attack struts along the ring apron and holds open the ropes. Stardom climbs up and steps through.... then is joined by Heart Attack. She peels his tuxedo jacket off of him, then carefully removes his shades. He pulls her in to him with an arm around her waist, then takes her by her hand and shows her the way down the steps to a safe place at ringside near the officials.

The bell sounds! Hall rushes at Stardom, who does a simple side step and a drop toe hold! Derrick rises up, holding Hall's leg... and he HAMSTRING PULLS IT!! Hall sits up from the impact!!!

Stardom keeps the leg... and holds it up, kicking ferociously in the hamstring muscles! Stardom backs up, looking down at H.A. who smiles in approval.

Hall limps up to his feet and again rushes in at Stardom. The Badd Boy gets underneath of him... GORILLA PRESS SLAM!!! Stardom leaps up high in the air.... BIG LEGDROP!!

JR: Stardom is CRISP! His moves are BANG... BANG!

Stardom picks up Hall by his hair and runs him toward the ropes... AND THROWS HIM THROUGH!!!! Hall hangs on to the top rope.....

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