WWF Superstars, July 26, 1997

Jim Ross stands there a moment, looking agitated. Then he brings the microphone up to his mouth.

JR: Y'know folks, it seems that everybody is ENTITLED to their opinion... but if it offends somebody then you're not supposed to VOICE IT! I've critisized many wrestlers in my newsletter. Terry Taylor, the Giant, Brian Pillman... some of the most hated men in this sport, but they don't get offended. But Sting DOES.

J.R. again just shakes his head.

JR: The way I see it is this... the Sting I remember from just a few months back, wouldn't come out here and be worried about that. He wouldn't complain about what people were saying. He's pointing out all the times he's been ROBBED! He made a big stink about somebody else getting a title shot after he had three in a ROW. And he made an excuse for each and every LOSS that he had. Sting's not the only guy that's ever been robbed out of a win. He's not the only guy who's been hit with a foreign object, or sneak attacked. Talk to Booker T last week... talk to the Giant... talk to Derrick Stardom. Talk to the Hart Foundation. But they're not out here complaining, and I've talked about them many times. It's all a part of the game.

J.R.: Like I said.. it's COMPETITION. And Sting and the Warrior were most successful in their rule-breaking days. The way I see it is they'll return to that. But that wasn't MY prediction. Heck no. Sabrina Savage was the one who predicted that... and I agreed. But let's not get on her case. Lucifer Graves will squash you. Austin will Stone Cold stun you. Let's get on Good Ol' J.R. about it! He can't fight... he can't wrestle! He's a broacast journalist, giving his opinions in a forum that is his OWN! I didn't come out here and say my opinions on live T.V. That's not the way I work. That's MY newsletter, and MY opinions. But some people just can't TAKE what I think. I'm not out here preaching it to everybody... brainwashing their minds. They can form their OWN opinions!

Ross looks around at the fans.

JR: And these fans... they like you Stinger. But they're quick to remember your old ways. You tossed Helmsley out of the ring at In Your House... and they booed you. They booed you HARD! That's the 'eyes of the FANS', Sting! That's what I wrote about. You brought a gang to the backstage area to go after Stevie Ray... how does THAT earn you respect? Like we heard earlier on... you've been a HYPOCRITE, going after the Machine... and now the LOD! You've done these things on your OWN! I had nothing to do with that. I didn't tell everybody how to react to it all. Week after week, you were complaining about other people getting the same things YOU got. Why were YOU special and they weren't? I've seen what you've done... I've HEARD how others have reacted... and I forumlated my OWN opinion about it. And if somebody doesn't like it, that's TOUGH! I'm going to call it the way I SEE IT! I'm not forcing anybody to read my newsletter! And if the Horsemen consists of who I THINK it consists of, by the end of the year, they'll be back to their roots... and they'll be WINNING again. That's how I see it!

Ross starts to get angry, his face turning red. Heart Attack and Pillman look to each other.

JR: (his voice slowly rising up to an almost yell) But if they DON'T change their ways, then that's fine. So J.R. was WRONG! I'm not out here trying to be right or wrong. I'm offering a VIEWPOINT. And if you're out here trying to prove me wrong... then your priorities are screwed up! Jerry Lawler and Brian Pillman fill the airwaves with lies and false rumors every week! But as soon as Jim Ross makes an educated prediction in a forum that is his own, somebody gets offended.

JR: (yelling now) Like I said... the OLD Stinger wouldn't complain. He'd do his job... and he'd do it well. Now I've given my opinions, and everybody is free to draw their own conclusions. If you agree with me, that's fine. If you don't, that's fine too. I don't have any ego to bruise. I'm doing my job. And it's a sad day when others can't let it be that way.

Ross tosses the mic down and walks out.

Pillman and Heart Attack look shocked as they watch Jim Ross walk out of the arena.

Heart Attack: He made YOU look calm!

Pillman: He left us!

Heart Attack: Now WE have to finish the broadcast?

Pillman: He LEFT us!

Heart Attack: Calm down! You know what to do!

Pillman: NO! I don't know any of this! What match is next? Where do we go? What's this button for? Are we still on? What's my cue? Do we go to commercial? When's the next card? Where will we be going to next? How does he do this?! DAMN THIS!! Why'd Sting have to make him mad!

Heart Attack: I hope he's alright! His face was red! He could have a... well.. a HEART ATTACK!

Pillman: What about ME!?!?!?! I don't know WHAT to do next!!!

Heart Attack: Get his notes! What do they say?

Pillman picks up a pile of papers. He looks at them in confusion.

Pillman: I don't know... they're written in Okalahomian. You figure it out!

Heart Attack snatches the papers from him, muttering 'Oklahomian' to herself in disgust.

Heart Attack: Alright... up next... it's the Dudes with Attitudes... against Owen Hart and the British Bulldog!

Pillman: But can you be sure? What if there's been a change? What if that's his HISTORY report! What if that happened a YEAR ago?!

Heart Attack: Shawn and Diesel weren't a TEAM a year ago!

Pillman: They're hardly a TEAM now! Isn't there ANYBODY that knows what to do?

Heart Attack: You're all worked up! You need a muscle relaxer!

Pillman: I need a VACATION!!!

Heart Attack: Owen and the Bulldog are probably standing backstage. Let's try that! Go ahead!!!

The camera fades out as Pillman and Heart Attack cross their fingers.

Click here to go to Part XI of this event