("The Rocket"Owen Hart,and "The British Bulldog"Davey Boy Smith are in their locker room)
"The Rocket"Owen Hart:"Alright then,it's now time for our match with The Dudes with Attitudes,of "Big Daddy Cool"Diesel,and "The Heartbreak kid"Shawn Michaels!We both respect you guys alot,and your both great wrestlers,but your standing in our way of us getting another title shot,so we will beat you guys bigtime tonight!Whoooo!"
"The British Bulldog"Davey Boy Smith:(British Accent)"Dudes with Attitudes,"Big Daddy Cool"Diesel,and "The Heartbreak kid"Shawn Michaels,like Owen said your both great guys,your both great wrestlers,and we respect you guy's alot,but your standing in our way of us getting another title shot,so we will whoop your asse's,and in short work tonight,because we're going to get another title shot,and then after that match we'll become The New WWF Unified Tag Team Champions!"(The British Bulldog flexe's his muscles)
(They both head for ringside)
Shawn: Owen and Bulldog, you guys are one of the hottest teams in the WWF lately, and you're probably looking to continue your streak, right?
Diesel: Well don't count on it, boys, you're gonna get a attitude adjustment, DWA style!
Shawn: Nothing personal, of course..
Shawn grins at the camera and they walk out of the room.
Pillman: WHEW! We were RIGHT! Now the match, right?
Heart Attack: What do YOU think Pillman? Of COURSE it's the match!
Pillman: I can't remember any of the moves! What's Diesel's finisher.. the Trailer Park?
Heart Attack: NO! The Jack-Knife!
Pillman: What's Michael's do? The Show Tune Music!?
Heart Attack: You're just being silly now! Let's go to the ring!
Owen Hart & the British Bulldog
the Dudes With Attitudes
w/the Sensei
The Match:
Owen Hart's Music,plays over the PA,and the fans go nuts."The Rocket"Owen Hart,and "The British Bulldog"Davey Boy Smith come out."The Rocket"Owen Hart is wearing his wrestling singlet/trunks,boots,and his hair is spiked."The British Bulldog"Davey Boy Smith is wearing his pants,boots,and his hair is spiked,and is wet.Owen and Davey slap hands with the fans as they come towards ringside."The Rocket"Owen Hart,and "The British Bulldog"Davey Boy Smith climb in the ring,climb up to the top turnbuckles,make it like they want the belt's around their waist,and fireworks go off in the building.The lights dim and fireworks go off over the entrance as the first notes of "Bad Company" come through the speakers. Shawn and Diesel walk out, both wearing thier black leather "Attitude" jackets and the wraparound sunglasses. As they walk down, Diesel slaps hands on both sides of the aisle, reaching over the people in the front to slap hands with the ones who couldn't get to the barrier, while Shawn dances and poses his way down the aisle. Sensei appears at ringside to collect thier jackets as they get to the ring, hanging them on the end of his staff. Diesel steps up into the ring, as Shawn dances for the ladies in the front row, then jumps onto the apron right in front of a camera, and mouths the words "This one's for you, Sarah" before stepping between the ropes into the ring.
Owen and Davey offer their hands for a shake and Shawn and Diesel accept. Shawn and the Bulldog step out, leaving Owen looking up at Diesel. The bell rings. Owen is quick... and he kicks Diesel up in the stomach.
Big Daddy Cool is then thrown to the ropes where Owen drops down and attempts a drop toe hold... TOO MUCH SIZE!! Diesel pulls him up and FOREARMS him on top of the head... then CLOTHESLINES him up and over, dropping him down to his knees!
Disel stands over Owen and begins hammering him down with forearm bashes! Owen tries for a desperate dive to the Bulldog... but Diesel yanks him back to the DWA's side of the ring... and pulls him up into a SLAM!!!
Pillman: I'm ALL confused! This is NUTS!
Heart Attack: What's to be confused on? Owen tried to take the big guy down... and now he's paying for it!
Pillman: You make it sound so simple! But what about the Bulldog? Is the Sensei a factor? How does JR keep UP with all this! Go find him.
Heart Attack: I'll be right back!
Pillman: NO! Don't leave!!!
Diesel again SLAMS Owen down, cutting the ring in half. He throws Owen to the ropes and charges with a SHOULDERBLOCK... But Owen spins off the ropes... and hits A SPINNING HEEL KICK!!! BDC goes DOWN!!! Owen MAKES THE TAG!!! Their fans CHEER!!!
The Bulldog comes in... from the top rope.... FLYING LEGDROP..... TOO FAR!!! DIESEL ROLLS ASIDE!!!
Big Daddy Cool rises up as the Bulldog does, too... holding his backside in pain. Diesel leans over... pulls up the Bulldog... BODYSLAM!!!
BDC throws the Bulldog to the ropes....