The Hart Foundation is here, Bret is standing in the front, the Anvil is in the back ground pacing, gesturing with his hands and laughing.
(The Anvil will have his black gloves on with the brassknuckles underthem, and again will expect an attack)
Hitman: To hell with pre-match comments to hell with you Empire bastards. It took a total of 10 men, with weapons to slow us down. And we still almost regained the titles. Well HEAT, may your reign last as long as a snowball does in ,hell. You beat us back and retained, big whoop. A win like that counts for diddly and we will be back on top before you can blink. But you won't have the belts by then the LOD will, I guarentee it. You have signed your own warrents. Now Austin, you are a big man, attacking someone who is being held up, with a can. Well you boys have made the rules of the war, and we will just follow them. And the rules are THERE ARE NO RULES. And Austin, you may be able to dish out pain and take it too, but your weak link is Pillman. And Pillman, may not live through the night. it is time to get this over with. .
Anvil: NOT YET! GIANT YOU AND ME IN A MATCH, as soon as possible. You have no powers but the powers brought on by your "Doom" Well the LEGION OF DOOM will easily remove your Doom from the WWF. YOU MY FRIEND and I have unfinished business. Heat, I hope you enjoyed your taste of the Anvil's justice because I am not finished, no sir. Not a bit. Empire each and every member you have will soon fall, and be in the hospital. I promised it. And I will deliver. I have the money to pay for the damages, I have been saving up like a good boy. Soon it will just be you Eddie standing in a shambles that once was your Empire. Bada dum dum dum, another one bites the DUST! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Stone Cold, Steve Austin
w/Pillman, Gilbert, Publican, Power/Glory
Bret the Hitman Hart
w/Anvil & Road WarriorsThe Match:
Brian Pillman and the Publican get up to ringside from the table.Atlantra: Good luck Brian. I will be watching this match very closely.
The camera picks up THP, Brutus and the Warrior up in the stands watching. The ring announcer first announces the special referee: Sabrina Savage!
Sabrina comes out, booing the fans as they boo her. She gets into the ring and prepares. Stone Cold's music then plays....
Austin comes down with his usual bravado and heads to the table.
Austin: Your gonna keep you nose OUT of this match, then. I don't want you gettin' Sabrina Savage MAD and costin' me a disqualification, because your too stupid to know that you should stay out of my way!
Heart Attack: No problem there!
Austin rolls into the ring and bounces off the ropes. He then stops and gets into Sabrina's face, staring her down. Sabrina holds her ground, staring and smiling back at him... then finally looks away. Stone Cold chuckles.
Bret's music starts to play and the Hitman comes out with the Anvil and the Road Warriors. Bret and Neidhart charge down the aisle. Bret slides into the ring and hooks it up with Stone Cold!!!! Bret punches Austin in the face... then rakes his eyes! Sabrina shrugs and heads outside to lock Pillman and Neidhart together.
Pillman and Neidhart are handcuffed to each other.... and Neidhart easily pulls Pillman along to Bret's corner. Pillman can't even stop the momentum!
In the ring... Bret hits a Side Russian Leg Sweep!!! As the Hitman gets up to continue to fight... Austin YANKS his hair pulling the Hitman in close for a DOUBLE AXEHANDLE! Sabrina gets into the ring and calls for the bell!
Austin again axehandles the Hitman, but Sabrina seems to take no mind. Austin them stomps the Hitman into the mat.
Pillman looks at the Anvil with a crazed look, but Neidhart seems to be ignoring him. Pillman yanks on the handcuffs a bit, seemingly testing their hold. Austin continues to stomp on the Hitman repeatedly!!! After multiple stomps, Stone Cold pulls the Hitman up... and starts to CHOKE him!
Heart Attack: NORMAL RULES? Sabrina is certainly being LENIENT WITH THEM!
Atlantra: Do you think YOU could do a BETTER job?
Austin chops the Hitman with a knife edge... then rakes the Hitman's back with his nails. Sabrina warns him... and Stone Cold SWINGS AT HER! She ducks beneath it. Austin axehandles Bret again... then swings his fist around.... WIND UP PUNCH!!!
Austin pounds the Hitman into the mat... and Bret rolls to the outside to catch his breath. Sabrina yells at the Hitman to get back into the ring. Austin waits for the Hitman to return but he isn't. He's waiting, pausing... PLOTTING...
Austin steps through the ropes... and the Hitman rolls in. Austin turns around and GRABS the Hitman by the hair and pulls him through the second and top rope... and DROPS DOWN, CHOKING THE HITMAN ACROSS THE ROPES!!!
Sabrina warns Austin, who just shrugs at her...
Heart Attack: At least Sabrina is using the rules NOW!
Atlantra: She's a FINE referee! She's doing her job as well as any other I've seen.
Heart Attack: We'll see. Let's go to this time out!
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